The Assistance Dogs Netherlands Foundation

With Mobile Marketing Cloud, Assistance Dogs Netherlands Foundation communicates with volunteers and easily create campaigns.

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Campagne opzetten met de juiste software

Set up a campaign with the right software

Assistance Dogs Netherlands Foundation trains service dogs for people with a physical or therapeutic request for help. “A service dog can be placed with people who, for example, have epilepsy or have difficulty performing daily activities such as picking something off the ground, going to bed or washing. The dogs are also used for therapy with, for example, children who are bullied or have ADHD. The entire training course of a service dog costs about 43,000 euros and is often not reimbursed by health insurers. However, the dogs are placed for free with people who need them, ”says Stephanie Curfs.

A new way of fundraising

As a foundation, Assistance Dogs Netherlands is mainly dependent on donations. “In addition to donations from corporate sponsors such as Royal Canin, DPD, the Vriendenloterij and donors who contribute monthly, we wanted to draw attention to the foundation in a special way for a week and raise money for the training of service dogs. Last year, together with advertising agency Fightclub, we came up with the campaign "De Week van de Schooiers" (Week of the beggars). To recruit volunteers for this campaign, the foundation was looking for suitable marketing software and came in contact with Wendy Schilder, contact person for charities at

"De Week van de Schooiers" was a week in which dogs and their owners request one-off donations via a QR code for the Assistance Dogs Netherlands Foundation while walking the dog. For both the recruitment of volunteers and the implementation of this campaign, the foundation used the total solution; Mobile Marketing Cloud from in.

“We were looking for a partner that could help us with the recruitment and digital management of volunteers and the creation of QR codes. A colleague who previously worked at our main sponsor DPD mentioned the software and capabilities of, ”says Curfs. “ offers a total marketing software package, which we could use immediately. That was exactly what we were looking for, which is why we chose, ”adds Curfs.

Met de schooiers op pad

Walking the "beggars"

Volunteers of this campaign could register themselves and their dog (the beggar) at Assistance Dogs Netherlands Foundation and then received a bone with a unique iDeal QR code for the dog's collar. The iDeal QR codes were created by and printed large enough on the bones to be scanned corona-proof. Collecting during these times using an iDeal QR code is highly appreciated. People do not always have cash on them, and donors can pay from a suitable distance with their mobile phone.

Receiving corona-proof donation

Marketing Mobile Cloud made it easy for Assistance Dogs Netherlands Foundation to set up the campaign. Every volunteer - which were more than 1,300 - got their own personal page. This included an explanation of the promotion, a button to share their personal QR code and they got real-time insights into their revenues. “Thanks to the software, we could send personalized messages to all volunteers via a single email and activate, inform and direct them. During the campaign, they received a text message with a link to their personal page and the link with the QR code,” says Curfs. The payment and handling of donations was done automatically by also automated keeping track of the total amount, donations per volunteer and updating the personalized pages.

Volunteers shared their interim status of their own proceeds on social media, which had a stimulating effect. “At one point a healthy battle broke out and volunteers tried to outdo each other with their donations. As a result, a record amount of 42,000 euros was raised, ”says Curfs. The total amount was boosted, among other things, because the QR codes reached many donors. The volunteers could easily share the link of their QR code on social media and, for example, Whatsapp.

Kickstart gaf Hulphond vleugels

A promising kick start

During the kickstart period of the Mobile Marketing Cloud, the customer gets support for three months and be guided through all the options of Mobile Marketing Cloud as desired. “We were very happy with the customer success managers. We had weekly meetings during this period in which they checked my work within the system. Because the customer success managers guided me so well during the kickstart period, I was recently able to set up a new campaign by myself. In the beginning it was very nice to be able to contact quickly,” laughs Curfs.

Mobiel collecteren met snel resultaat

Fast results with mobile donations

“The Week of the Beggars campaign has brought us a lot of brand awareness. The commercial has been broadcast about 2000 times on all RTL channels. People were even more excited about the campaign than we thought. It is quite difficult to address people during these corona times, but it was not too bad, the campaign was a great success! With the support of the platform, I am convinced that we can achieve even more and that the results of the next campaign will be even better. Curfs said. as a one-stop-shop

“Although the campaign is over now, we still make full use of Mobile Marketing Cloud. We sell our mascot Flip through the software. I've created a simple page with a payment button on which individuals support us financially with the purchase of Flip. As soon as they pay, they are redirected to the platform, ”says Curfs. The total solution offers an automated workflow for processing payments.

“We are currently in a CRM migration process, which means that we now use two CRM systems. After we switched to the new CRM, we integrate Mobile Marketing Cloud and completely abandoned our old email tool. After the migration, we can approach ''dormant '' donors, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).'s Mobile Marketing Cloud total solution really offers a solution, because then we can get started right away,” says Curfs

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