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Mar 03, 2021
4 minutes read

5 Tips to Optimize Your Mobile Marketing

Marketing isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago, and much of that is thanks to the rise of the smartphone. We are living in an era in which consumers can buy products and services whenever and wherever they are, on their mobile phone. If you want consumers to choose your product, mobile presence is an absolute must to get higher conversion rates and improve customers’ satisfaction.

Are you struggling with the effectiveness of your mobile marketing campaigns, due to the lack of data or the right tooling to serve all channels? Let us help you by giving you 5 tips for better results.

Improve the Effectiveness of Your Mobile Message for Better Results

The way today’s customers interact with brands is fundamentally shifting. Mobile marketing is quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing channels to reach your target audience. If you are constantly optimizing the many possibilities of mobile marketing, your customer loyalty and conversion rates will only improve.

5 Tips to Improve the Conversion of Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

1.     Since every channel has its own limitations, you need to be creative with your message, but even more importantly be short and concise. Make sure everyone will instantly understand what your message is. Then think about if your key message needs some extension. For example, you can extend your SMS messages with a mobile landing page, so you can share rich content.

2.     Improve conversion by creating a very clear call to action (CTA). Explicitly trigger an action from your receiver after reading your message.

A list of things to consider when creating the call to action (CTA) to persuade the visitor to click:

  • Use one single CTA
  • Avoid distracting navigation links
  • Show the CTA above the fold
  • Use color contrast to make the call-to-action stand out
  • Write a descriptive CTA (not: “next, shop, continue”) but: “take the quiz, view mattresses, buy now”
  • Make CTA’s benefit-oriented (what’s in it for me?)

3.     Mobile marketing is such a powerful tool, but your company is not the only one asking for your customer’s attention via this channel. So your message needs to stand out, be relevant and be personal. There are several ways to successfully personalize a message, using the things you know about your customer. Consider adding the name of the customer, and use merge tags for previous purchases or the location of the store they use. Also, consider adding your own name as a signature and sending your message from a personal account to make it all look personalized.

4.     Nowadays, there is no need for your mobile marketing campaign to be one-way. If you use the right sender name, you can easily enable the receiver to send a reply to your campaign. Start conversations with your customers. This will not only make your company more approachable but also improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. It also allows you to receive feedback and gain insights to improve your products and services. Providing you with the opportunity to take your business and marketing to the next level.

5.     Test, measure, and improve. Use your data to get the best results. Set up an A/B test to test which changes work best. If you’re working with’s platform, use the Address Book to randomly divide your recipients into two marketing groups. Send your message, and wait for the results to come in. platform

For the most effective mobile marketing campaigns, you need the right tooling. Mobile Marketing Cloud of, offers all solutions for your campaigns, landing pages, marketing automation, and data collection. Use Mobile Marketing Cloud to send out hyper-personalized marketing campaigns across multiple channels and create 360° customer profiles.

And of course, you can always count on us to help you set up the most successful mobile marketing campaign. Ask for a demo of Mobile Marketing Cloud.

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connects tens of thousands of companies with millions of consumers via their mobile phone each day. Behind the scenes, from our innovative platform, makes sure companies can use these millions of messages, phone calls and payments to become part of people’s lives.

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