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Jul 26, 2023
3 minutes read

Introducing Our Global High Availability Endpoint for CPaaS continuously innovates its enterprise-ready CPaaS (communications platform as a service) solution. The business messaging platform offers one simple connection for all channels and conversations and allows customers to connect to their end-users via their preferred channel, hassle-free.

  • Benefits of the New High Availability Endpoint
  • Increased Uptime
  • Scalability
  • Lower Latency
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction
  • General Availability

By introducing the new Global High Availability Endpoint, offers access to all business messaging capabilities as you know them, but better. This endpoint makes sure that you're always connected to the best platform available. Whether this is the geographically closest platform to reduce latency, the platform with the lowest load to reduce throughput time, or the platform that isn't currently under maintenance (because, yes, we also have to tend to our servers from time to time). In short: the High Availability Endpoint will make sure that your messages get through.

Benefits of the New High Availability Endpoint

The Global High Availability Endpoint is designed to improve the availability of our business messaging platform to ensure business continuity for our customers. It offers a range of benefits for customers and users. Some of the key benefits include:

Increased Uptime

The new endpoint increases reliability and ensures 99,99% availability by distributing traffic across multiple platforms, ensuring that no single platform becomes overloaded. Even if one platform were to be unavailable, traffic is automatically routed to a healthy platform which ensures that you can continue sending messages.


The new endpoint is a single entry point to CM’s scalable landscape. We can route and scale to accommodate increased traffic, ensuring our messaging platform can handle growth without any issues while you keep your connection. You will also be automatically connected to new platforms when we add them, so you'll be able to scale your business as well.

Lower Latency

With global traffic distribution, the new endpoint reduces latency and improves the user experience. We connect you to the closest messaging platform to reduce the time it takes for your message to arrive and to enable more natural conversations.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

With the new endpoint, businesses can communicate with their customers without any interruptions. Connect once to benefit from a seamless, worry-free experience and focus on what matters: communicating with your customers.

General Availability

The new High Available Global Endpoint introduces the next phase in reliability and uptime for our messaging platform. It features a 99,99% uptime guarantee with smart global load balancing capabilities. The setup has been tested extensively with selected customers during the beta phase.

We are excited to announce the launch of the Global High Availability Endpoint, allowing all customers using either our HTTP- or SMPP gateway to benefit from increased reliability, scalability, and lower latency later this quarter

Upon its general availability, we will release more information, like an FAQ and a step by step guide on how to connect to this new endpoint.

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Christel Brouwers
Copywriter at Passionate about language and getting’s message out there. Shares content about CPaaS, Payments and more.

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