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Email Campaigns

Opnå dine marketingmål med e-mail-kampagner

Design, automatiser og analysér dine marketing- og transaktionsmailkampagner med personlige e-mails, der konverterer.


Mobile Marketing Cloud

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Customer Data Platform

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Omnichannel Marketing

Få adgang til alle meddelelseskanaler på mobilen via

Marketing Automation

Opret arbejdsgange, og lad os gøre det tunge arbejde for dig.

Skab smukt designede e-mail-kampagner

Det har aldrig været nemmere at lave professionelt udseende personlige nyhedsbreve og reklamemails med vores træk-og-slip-editor. Er du ikke sikker på din opsætning? Du kan altid sende en testkampagne.

  1. Send mobilvenlige e-mails, der reagerer på mobile enheder

  2. Tilpas emnelinjer og forhåndsvisning for at øge åbningsraten

  3. Brug vores A/B-testfunktion til at hjælpe

Optimér din e-mailmarkedsføring til næste niveau

Software til e-mailmarkedsføring skabt til at få din virksomhed til at vokse. Kom i kontakt med din målgruppe, og gå længere end bare e-mailmarketing med Mobile Marketing Cloud. Skab mere forretning ved at kombinere e-mail med SMS og flere mobile kanaler.

Anmod om en prøveperiode
Email personalisation

Send det, dine kontakter vil se

Vis hundebilleder til hundeelskere og kattebilleder til katteelskere i én e-mailkampagne. Tilpas dine e-mails baseret på alle de kontaktoplysninger, du har. Fra at personliggøre et par ord til at bruge betinget indhold til at personliggøre hele sektioner af dit design.

  1. Giv dine e-mails liv med betinget indhold

  2. Vis dine kontakter, at du virkelig kender dem

  3. Ingen kodning nødvendig

Customer journey automated workflows

Automatiser din e-mail-marketing

Byg unikke automatiserede kunderejser. Vores workflow-editor giver dig mulighed for at automatisere og kombinere din e-mail-marketing med andre meddelelseskanaler som SMS og WhatsApp.

  1. Nå ud til dit publikum på det rigtige tidspunkt

  2. Segmenter dine kontakter og automatiser kunderejser

  3. Konverter kontakter til kunder via DRIP- eller nurturing-kampagne

Transactional email

Send pålidelige transaktionsmails

Kom i kontakt med dine kunder, og giv dem værdifuld information på vigtige tidspunkter i kundeoplevelsen! Send din transaktionsmail via API-integration.

  1. Send købskvitteringer og forsendelsesmeddelelser

  2. Send e-mails om oprettelse og aktivering af konto

  3. Send e-mails om nulstilling af adgangskode og godkendelse

Email campaigns analytics

Mål din succes og optimer

Få et omfattende overblik over resultaterne af dine e-mailkampagner og automatisering. Find ud af, hvad der virker, og udnyt dine data til konstant at forbedre dig.

  1. Administrer e-mail-abonnenter og afmeldte kontakter

  2. Få automatiseringsanalyser til fremtidige kampagner

  3. Tydelig rapportering om åbninger, klik og afvisningsprocenter

Send effektive e-mail-kampagner med få klik

Opret nemt smukke og responsive e-mail-kampagner

Byg skabeloner til automatisk at sende til dit publikum og spar tid

Målret din målgruppe og personliggør alle elementer i dine e-mailkampagner

Maksimer indbakkens leveringshastighed og IP-omdømme for at undgå blokering

Send automatiserede kunderejser eller enkelte automatiserede kampagner

Bliv inspireret

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Aug 15, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

How to Skyrocket Your Email Open Rates

Email marketing has come a long way since the first campaign was sent in 1978, and it remains one of the most valuable tools in the modern marketer’s business strategy. But email marketing is sometimes dismissed as ‘spamming’ people and all your hard work crafting targeted, relevant, and timely emails to your customers or prospects will be useless if you don’t do everything you can to optimize email deliverability.

Jun 30, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

How to Boost Fan Engagement - A Formula 1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix Use Case

What’s so great about sports is that it connects all kinds of people. On the other hand, knowing no two sports fans are alike makes it challenging for sports organizations to address different fan segments. The organization behind the Formula 1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix acknowledged this challenge and didn’t just pack the Circuit Zandvoort with their best fans. Instead, they’ve managed to enhance their fan experience right at their first racing event in 35 years. What’s more, they keep improving fan engagement year on year. Curious to know how? We’ll share five insider tips on how the Dutch Grand Prix enhanced its fan engagement before, during, and after the race.

May 19, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

Introducing Instagram Marketing Messages

Today, more and more customer engagement happens on social media. And with good reason. Personalized messages on the favorite messaging apps of your customers can truly benefit your brand awareness. Instagram's new Marketing Messages feature offers a great marketing tool to be visible where your customers are and re-engage them to boost those conversion rates.

Live 11 mobile marketing ideas for events
May 10, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

11 Ways to Make Your Event Stand Out With Mobile Marketing

Festivals are bigger than ever; the market is thriving, and people love listening to live music in a space where they feel free to let go and enjoy the atmosphere with like-minded people. While this is undoubtedly a good thing for organizers, with this popularity comes much competition. Organizers, therefore, need to think of creative ways to stand out. One way is by boosting their mobile marketing offering. offers the solution; discover here 11 examples of how you can apply this to your event.

Mobile Marketing Cloud conversational marketing blog
Mar 21, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

Engagement where it matters: the take on conversational marketing and how it’s changing

Look at most definitions of conversational marketing, and it’s not clear what all the excitement’s about. “Engaging customers through dialogue”, “interacting with people via real-time”, “two-way communication”, “putting the focus on interactions using social media messaging channels”. Isn’t that what marketers have been doing for years?

Jan 11, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

What Is a WhatsApp Newsletter and How Does It Work?

WhatsApp newsletters are messages that can be sent from a brand's WhatsApp business account to a specific audience of customers with information that's relevant to them. You can send people special offers, exclusive discounts, and new product announcements. You can also personalize these offers based on special events like holidays and birthdays, or annual promotions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Google Postmaster explain new features
Jan 11, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

How to Improve Your Email Deliverability With Google Postmaster Tools

Gmail is one of the most popular email destinations in the world. It is used by millions of individuals and organizations for both personal and professional purposes. So as an email marketer, you need to ensure that as many of your emails arrive in Gmail inboxes and are not marked as spam. To gain insight into the performance of your sent emails to Gmail inboxes, Google has developed a tool called Google Postmaster Tools. In this blog, we will tell you what it is and how it can help your business.

Jan 05, 2023 • Mobile Marketing Cloud

Increase Conversion With Promotional Messages on WhatsApp

In an age of mass marketing, as well as constant TV, internet and email advertising, it’s safe to say that sales periods can be something of an overwhelming experience for consumers around the world. Inundated with information from companies, people could be forgiven for wanting to switch off their phones, radios and televisions and ignore all forms of marketing until the sales period is all over. As an eCommerce owner, you should always be looking to avoid this by diversifying your marketing strategy in a way that suits your customers needs and sensibilities.

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