Customer Story Mysolution

What if digital signing is necessary? Mysolution chose Sign.

MySolution software

Continuous software development

Mysolution is a supplier of recruitment & staffing software for the recruitment industry. Nico van Wijk, Product Manager at Mysolution, talks about the cooperation with

"Mysolution has been active in the recruitment market for about three years now. Because our product is built on the Salesforce platform, among other things, we have become so big. We are constantly building additions to the product so that it better meets the needs of recruiters. We also try to link additions from external parties to our software. We have done the same with Sign, Messaging and SMS from”

Software as a personal assistant

Nico on Mysolution Recruitment:

"The Applicant Tracking System (ATS), Mysolution Recruitment, that we developed for the recruitment market, is not just another software tool. The ATS functions as a personal assistant, because it performs almost all actions in the recruitment process. Think of the creation of vacancies and the loading of candidate profiles. From the dashboard, recruiters have a direct overview of all open tasks, our workflow. It is also immediately visible that there are still incomplete checklists for candidates. These checklists contain, among other things, all kinds of documents required for the placement. Signing documents is also part of completing the checklist, otherwise the checklist will not be marked as complete.

This way, users can do more work in the same time and repetitive actions are a thing of the past."

The need for digital signing

Digital signing was a necessity for Mysolution, Nico explains:

"Together with our external parties, we want to automate as much as possible so that our customers save time. Within our industry, there are always two parties who have to sign documents together. In order to avoid a lot of time-consuming signing, we want to handle this digitally. Since our customers process a lot of contracts, the clear and secure recording of documentation is very important. Digital signatures can easily be stored and sent to everyone. For us, digital signing with Sign was therefore the ideal solution."

Mysolution office

Sign as an ideal solution

"Sign plays an important role in the placement of candidates," Nico believes. "We use it for our recruitment and staffing software. We experience Sign as a very flexible product, it works incredibly simply and intuitively. With a link, a signing request is sent. As soon as you follow this link, the document to be signed appears with all the actions that are expected of you. There are also multiple signature options available. All this makes it incredibly easy to use."

Improvement as the main driver

"Our product developers are working a lot on areas of improvement for our software. We see that reflected in Sign as well. The Sign product is not static, but is continually being developed. I would therefore certainly recommend it to other parties. The functionality of the product is very good. In general, the reactions from our clients are very positive. Sign works quickly and is easy to understand", according to Nico.

Mysolution hoofdkantoor

Mysolution en

"Mysolution has been working with for 14 years in the field of SMS and messaging and for a year now with Sign," Nico reflects. " is a reliable technology partner that values innovation highly, just like Mysolution. In addition, it is an advantage for us that is a Dutch party. We make good commercial arrangements with each other. If we have any questions, is quick to respond."

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