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Jun 24, 2022
3 minutes read

WhatsApp Updates Opt-in and Quality rating policy

On July 9th WhatsApp will update their opt-in policy and will improve the quality rating. A valuable update which enables you to maintain the high level of service you provide through the favorite channel of your customer.

Old opt-in policy

Before being able to send notifications to customers, businesses are required to obtain an active opt-in. WhatsApp has a policy describing what such an opt-in should look like. What did the old policy state? There were 3 main points:

  1. The policy always stated clearly that an opt-in should be obtained on a third-party channel.
  2. There should be a visual element like a check box with the WhatsApp logo and information about what you are opting in for.
  3. A customer should be able to change their phone number or be able to opt-out.

New opt-in policy

In the new opt-in policy of WhatsApp, the rules are simplified. You are obliged to ask your customers for an opt-in that clearly states:

  1. That you are opting in for receiving messages through WhatsApp.
  2. What the name is of the business you are opting in for.
  3. That the business is responsible for complying with local applicable law.

Simply put, you must get a clear opt-in, but where you get this opt-in is up to you. You can now get creative and use an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) flow or just request this opt-in while talking to your customer on WhatsApp. As long as you get a clear opt-in all is good.

Find more creative ways on how to collect op-ins for WhatsApp

High quality messaging

WhatsApp remains a high-quality messaging channel, where the end-user experience is by far the most important aspect. Therefore the opt-in policy is an essential part of the contract you sign with your WhatsApp Business Solution Provider.

whatsapp optin pages

You aim to provide the best service and buying experience for your customers. The last thing you want is for your customers or even prospective customers to report your communication through WhatsApp as spam or even block you because of that. Therefore, we encourage you to read the following tips on how to keep a high-quality rating of your connection.

A more flexible opt-in policy does not mean that you should care less about the customer experience you offer.

3 tips to keep the customer experience up to standard:

  1. Tell your customers what kind of updates you plan on sending, for example, reservation updates, policy updates, appointment reminders, and so on.
  2. Do not spam your customers, but only send notifications that are really useful.
  3. Provide your customers with instructions on how they can opt-out.

For more information about the updates in the business policy have a look at the WhatsApp Business policy.

Get in touch with our experts for a better understanding of the new WhatsApp opt-in policy.

Get in touch with one of our WhatsApp Business Solution experts

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