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Mobile Marketing Cloud

Convert Customers with Omnichannel Campaigns

A campaign builder to easily create and automate marketing campaigns across all channels and interactions.


Remove Platform Silos

Say goodbye to juggling multiple tools and start managing all your campaigns within one platform.

Multi-Channel Engagement

Engage customers via personalized campaigns across all messaging channels, email, SMS, and mobile apps.

Boost Team Productivity

Easily build on-brand campaigns with AI-suggested content, visual editors and real-time customer data.

The Ultimate Marketing Tool for Your Team

Mobile Marketing Cloud helps you create seamless marketing campaigns and deliver consistent experiences across the whole customer journey, all from a single platform—reaching your customers at the right time with the right message on the right channel.


Effortless Journey Creation

Easily design end-to-end customer journeys with visual and straightforward drag-and-drop creation tools.

AI-created Journeys

Easily create automated personalized experiences with AI and let the AI do the heavy lifting

Act On Performance

Measure campaign performance with real-time insights from each and every customer touchpoint.

Mobile Marketing Cloud

Create Personalized Journeys Across All Channels

Say goodbye to disconnected customer journeys with Mobile Marketing Cloud. Our platform offers cross-channel integrations to ensure you reach your customers on their preferred channel.

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Enhance email marketing with tailored content based on customers' behavior and preferences in advanced segmentation.

marketing whatsapp

Messaging Channels

Connect with customers on the most popular messaging channels, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.


SMS, RCS and Push

Reach your customers without them needing to download another messaging app via SMS, RCS and Push notifications.


Enhance User Experience With Web Personalization

Increase retention, boost customer loyalty and drive conversions with 1:1 website experiences no matter the device. Mobile Marketing Cloud enables you to customize web players and in-app notifications with a visual editor or HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring all website visits are relevant to each customer.

  1. Visual, Drag-and-Drop Workflows

  2. AI-Generated Personalization

  3. First-Party Data Collection

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Engage Customers via All Channels

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facebook messenger
instagram messaging

Goodbye Siloed Solutions.
Hello Engagement Platform.

Mobile Marketing Cloud seamlessly integrates with our service and AI tools to create a unified customer experience and unify data across departments. It effortlessly connects to our Customer Data Platform, AI Decisioning Engine and Mobile Service Cloud.

Here's What Our Customers Have to Say

Frequently Asked Questions About Mobile Marketing

What Is Mobile Marketing?

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Mobile marketing applies the principles of marketing with a focus on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile Marketing aims to attract, engage, and communicate with customers via content, campaigns, and managed conversations via email, SMS, MMS, social media, and messaging channels.

Mobile marketing isn’t a separate field from conventional marketing. It uses the same marketing principles, and the same metrics, like conversion rates. Where it differs is the channels.

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What Is Marketing Automation?

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Marketing automation refers to the use of software and technology to automate and enhance marketing activities, such as email and SMS campaigns, social media ad campaigns, chatbot conversations, tracking, A/B testing, and more. Marketing automation software allows you to execute your marketing strategies while you focus on more complex tasks. As an example, you can use marketing automation technology to trigger a pre-written abandoned cart email after a visitor exits your site with a full cart.

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What Is Omnichannel Marketing?

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Omnichannel marketing is the integration and cooperation of the various channels that an organization uses to interact with consumers, with the goal of creating a consistent brand experience and interacting with consumers in a seamless way.

Omnichannel marketing includes physical (like stores) and digital channels (such as websites and social media) and a combination thereof - such as “buy online and pick up in-store”.

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What Is a Customer Data Platform?

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A CDP or Customer Data Platform is software that collects customer touchpoints and interactions with your product or service from various channels and sources. It aggregates all this data from multiple sources to create a unified profile of each customer.

A CDP gathers and organizes data in real-time to create profiles for each customer through its centralized database.

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