Articles from Havanna Wentzel

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Jun 19, 2024 • SMS

17 SMS Customer Service Templates to Use Today

Using SMS customer service templates not only saves time but lets your support team create personalized, on-brand communications with just a few clicks. Today we’ll share business text message templates you can use to give your customers the information they need — fast.

Jun 11, 2024 • SMS

SMS for eCommerce - Create a Successful eCommerce Strategy With SMS

Want to grow your business? Then customer contact is key. Now that everybody and everything is connected to each other via those powerful little computers in our hands, the way you communicate with customers is becoming increasingly important for your succes. Read all about how you can use SMS to elevate your customer contact, drive sales and create that loyal customer base.

Logistics & Transport blog image_sms
Jun 05, 2024 • SMS

How to Improve Your Delivery Service With SMS Notifications

If you're active in today's transport and/or delivery business, you'll face new challenges to keep your customers happy on a daily basis. Customers expect fast and flexible, and sometimes even same-day, delivery. Time is money, costs need to be cut, and regaining control of the delivery process will significantly benefit your business. SMS can make a difference!

WhatsApp New Policy
May 13, 2024 • WhatsApp

Quality Customer Engagement With WhatsApp Business Platform

We all want to get our brand messages out there. We want to engage with our customers, raise brand awareness, and connect with our target audience. WhatsApp Business Platform helps you safeguard the way you communicate with (potential) customers, making sure that you provide them with a meaningful and relevant customer experience to help grow your business.

Apr 09, 2024 • WhatsApp

How to Use WhatsApp for Tracking and Order Updates

Even the most easy-going among us can get a bit nervous if we don't know what's going on with our order. We've all been there, combing through our emails from the past month searching for payment confirmation, or fretting about whether our product has accidentally been shipped three-quarters of the way around the world to an unknown location, never to be seen again.

Apr 09, 2024 • WhatsApp

How WhatsApp Business Can Help With Abandoned Carts Recovery

Picture the scene as a customer: we've made the decision that we're going to buy something and we've added it to the cart, but for whatever reason, we don't follow through with the transaction. Sometimes we forget that we've added items to the cart; other times the phone rings just as we're about to click pay and we forget about it. On other occasions, we see something at the last minute that we don't like the look of that makes us think twice about buying.

Apr 01, 2024 • WhatsApp

A Starter Guide to WhatsApp Message Templates & Buttons

WhatsApp Business message templates are specific message formats that businesses use to send out notifications, alerts, and customer care messages to people who have opted-in to receive messages. These may include appointment reminders, shipping information, issue resolutions, payment update, and they can be enriched with interactive buttons. Here’s what you need to know about this platform.

Boost Your Sales With WhatsApp Business Product Messages
Apr 01, 2024 • WhatsApp

Boost sales with WhatsApp Business Product Catalogue

Looking for a new way to boost your sales? Want to showcase your products and services on one of the most popular messaging channels today? You might already use WhatsApp Business to engage with your customers, but did you know that you can also use WhatsApp to boost your sales? Let's take a look at how to optimise your WhatsApp Business usage with product messages.

Mar 03, 2024 • WhatsApp

How to Use WhatsApp Business Message Templates?

There are several ways to use WhatsApp Business to communicate with your customers. One way is via the customer care window, in which case the conversation is initiated by the customer. If you want to reach out to your customer first – once you have received an opt-in from them to do so - you can make use of the so-called Message Templates.

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