In today's digital world, ensuring secure and convenient online interactions is more important than ever. Every business has unique needs when it comes to protecting their digital space and their customer interactions - and different needs require different solutions. That's why introduces "Build Your Own Verification" - flexible and customizable verification that can be tailored to your specific needs.
Looking for a smart and capable employee that never sleeps? A little helper that can take over all your menial and repetitive tasks to make your life a little easier? One that will continuously learn and improve itself to keep assisting you the best it can? This may sound like a dream (and an unrealistic one at that), but it's much closer to reality than you might realize! Discover Agentic AI!
Verifying online users and accounts has become indispensable in today's business landscape. You want to know who has access to your (online) services and data, but even if you couldn't care less, rules and regulations will definitely care! Whether it's to protect yourself and your customers from harm, or making sure you abide by the local law - making sure you know who the person on the other end of the internet is, is paramount.
Over the past five years, we’ve made it our mission to stay ahead by adapting quickly to change and seizing new opportunities. Despite the challenges—like the global pandemic—we kept growing by staying flexible and making smart decisions. In this final blog celebrating 25 years of, we look back at a time when we showed, again and again, how we could offer innovative solutions and strengthen our organization.
We started by offering just SMS services, but today we offer an integrated platform where communication, commerce, and customer engagement come together to drive meaningful business interactions. Over the past 25 years, has been assembling this platform piece by piece, with each innovation, product, and acquisition adding to the bigger picture. Let’s explore how these puzzle pieces have come together to build the of today.
By 2010, knew it was time to expand beyond our roots. What began in nightclubs had grown into a broader client base across various industries. It was time to push boundaries—both literally and figuratively. Here’s the story of our international journey, filled with challenges, triumphs, and lessons.
Securing online accounts, data and users is a must in business today. At least, if you don't want to end up as the next security breach headliner in the papers. But simply implementing a bunch of security measures isn't always enough. Loose apps and services become vulnerable for fraud, and are often cost-inefficient. That's why we now offer a one-stop-shop to safely secure your business: the Verification API.
Customer communication via text messaging has become an integral part of the modern business landscape. In recent years however, criminals have figured out that they can abuse SMS communication to scam both your business and your customers out of data and money. But not to worry, there's a new, convenient, and fast verification method that can help secure your online accounts: Number Verify!
In this digital era, providing the optimal customer experience means connecting and engaging with your customers online on their favorite platforms and channels. Online (automated) customer engagement and A2P (application-to-person) messaging is bigger than ever, which unfortunately also means that messaging fraud is on the rise. Artificially Inflated Traffic (AIT) fraud has become an alarming issue in the telecommunications industry, but worry not! has built the perfect safeguard feature to protect your business endeavors from AIT fraud.
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