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Jun 01, 2023
4 minutes read

Increase Your Conversions Rate With WhatsApp Business Assisted Sales

You don't need a degree in psychology to know that some customers are more risk-averse than others when making a purchase. When shopping online, everyone has, at some point, been hovering over the 'confirm payment' button with that little voice at the back of their minds telling them they're about to make a mistake. Sometimes we throw caution to the wind regardless of any doubts we may have and buy the product anyway; in many cases, we abandon our carts and go elsewhere to find what we're looking for.

This is where digital-assisted selling can make a huge difference to your eCommerce business. When used in the right way, it allows you to successfully close a sale by giving advice or recommendations right at the point of sale and by clearing up any doubts that customers have about a product or service before they click to pay. In fact, 88% of consumers say that they're more likely to invest in a product when they're given a hand during the buying process or receive recommendations from store employees, so it’s vitally important for you to be there when that moment arrives.

How Can WhatsApp Increase Your Conversion Rate?

Not all sales are straightforward, and some, by nature, require more explanations than others. In such cases, time is of the essence, as evidence shows that the longer and more dragged out the buying process, the more likely potential customers will get cold feet or simply lose interest in the product being offered to them. With this in mind, it's important to have a line of communication that allows you to communicate quickly and efficiently with the people who make your business tick.

Let’s face it, many of us are a tad less patient than we used to be before the age of instant mobile messaging, and this translates into the fact that customers can often be reluctant to use platforms that don’t provide direct, real-time answers to what they want to know. The automated, immediate response system WhatsApp Business offers a quick solution to this problem.

whatsapp business assisted sales

Given that the priority with assisted sales is the ability to engage with the customer quickly and efficiently in real-time, the stats are heavily in favor of WhatsApp. Its message open rate is an astounding 98%, meaning that out of every 100 messages sent, 98 messages are read. You're also more likely to get an answer, with research showing that 90% of people respond within 30 minutes of receiving a message on their phones.

This makes it the perfect platform to interact with customers on a conversational level that makes them feel comfortable. Imagine shopping for a new television for your living room, but you’re not sure where to start when you see the long list of options available. By answering a few simple questions, the chatbot can walk you through a process of elimination that will allow you to choose the best option to suit your needs.

Use WhatsApp Business Platform for Assisted Sales

Companies should never end up having sales slip away from them because of customers’ last-minute doubts or concerns that could be easily solved with a simple conversation. With WhatsApp Business, your chat button entry point provides your customers with a round-the-clock, permanently reachable source of information they know they can depend on to provide immediate answers.

Evidence shows that having a more personalized, instant form of guiding people through the buying process can result in an increased conversion rate of 20% for some businesses. For this reason, using WhatsApp as a channel for Assisted Sales is a no-brainer for anyone in eCommerce looking to take their brand to the next level, and we at can help you get started doing just that.

Help your customers make the purchase that’s right for them with assisted sales via WhatsApp Business

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Guylaine Bergé
Is Product Marketer for CPaaS (SMS, Voice and OTT Channels). Guylaine likes to bring the right information at the right time and empower people to make things happen. Bringing the right insights to product, sales and marketing to allow succesfull product to go to market is what drives her everyday. She enjoys to keep up to date to the last CPaaS trends and loves to hear and share our last customer success stories.

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