Repeatedly answering similar questions can be quite a time-consuming hassle. In the Logistics sector, it isn't hard to imagine how standardised messages – think of questions about rescheduling delivery or lost parcels - can reduce pressure on customer care. Wouldn't it be easier if questions were answered before they were asked? And that recurring incoming questions are answered for you?
The WhatsApp Business Platform has a way to make things a bit easier on your customer care centre.
How? With Message Templates
Message Templates are pre-approved messages that can be sent in both inbound and outbound communication with your customers. These messages can be used to send notifications to those customers with an active opt-in to receive timely notification from your business or to help you send quick replies whenever a consumer contacts your support desk via WhatsApp.
Personalised Messages Using Placeholders
Whatever the use case, these messages need to be valuable, informative and relevant. This means personalisation is key. To personalise the message, you can use the numbered placeholders {x}. You can fill each of those placeholders with letters, digits, special characters and spaces. Sounds abstract? This is best explained with an example. We'll give you some examples of how these Message Templates can optimise customer care in the Logistics sector.
Proactive Delivery Information: Provide Answers in Advance
The best way to prevent getting overloaded with questions is by providing the answer in advance. Consumers nowadays expect to have at least some indication of when their parcel will be delivered. So why not send them a time frame in which they can expect a ringing doorbell? To ensure the chances your customer is prepared (read: at home), you want to make sure this message is read. Therefore, email and its low open rate won't suffice. With WhatsApp, you're sure your message stands out.
"Good morning {1}, your parcel will be delivered today. We'll send you another message once the driver is on his way, and we know at what time you can expect him."
Moreover, your customers can easily reply in case necessary. For example, when your customers know they're not home, if the parcel isn't delivered, or when you offer the possibility to select a different time frame. The WhatsApp Business API allows you to set up an automated message flow.
"Hi! I'm on my way with your parcel. I expect to be there between {1} and {2} hours. Are you not at home? Type 'NOT HOME', and I will take it to the closest pickup point instead."
"Not home."
"No problem. You can pick up your parcel at the parcel shop closest to you {1} from {2} hours. Have a nice day."
Unfortunately, we all know things can still go wrong when you're handling large amounts of parcels each day. No matter how well your planning is done, it may still occur that packages aren't delivered as scheduled. And yes, customers may start to complain. And just like at the beginning of the process, providing accurate information will help you ease your customer's troubled mind. A chat within the WhatsApp Business API can do just that.
"My parcel was said to be delivered today, but even though I was home, I saw nothing. And I need this product this weekend."
"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Can you give me your order number, please? I will look into it immediately."
"Ah, you're right. I can see your order {1} was supposed to be delivered today. According to the system, another attempt will be made {2}. If you're not home, the parcel will be delivered at the nearest pickup point, {3}."
For issues that require more in-depth digging, or when the customer continues to ask questions, a smart Customer Contact tool will inform your employees that their involvement in this issue is needed. And because you can already handle a big part of incoming questions with preset templates, the waiting time will be reduced to a minimum.
Delivery service 'Red je Pakketje' is an innovative player within the logistics sector, putting the consumer first by communicating proactively. Learn more about Red je Pakketje in this Customer Success Story.
Custom Message Templates
These were just a few of the many examples of how you can use the WhatsApp Business API Message Templates to inform customers of an improved customer experience actively. WhatsApp and your WhatsApp Business API distributor may provide you with Message Templates, or you can request your own. WhatsApp and your Authorised Distributor do approval of Message Templates for the WhatsApp Business solution.
Important to note is that you will need an active opt-in from your customer to receive specified information for outbound use of these Templates. Otherwise, they may be used only in the customer care window initiated by the customer. Suppose the customer has any questions after receiving your notifications. In that case, he or she can ask for more information by simply replying to your message, opening up such a customer care window in which you can communicate freely. Besides using Message Templates, you can also have a spontaneous chat, where you can type your messages with rich media in response to a customer-initiated conversation.