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Nov 10, 2022
4 minutes read

Migrating WhatsApp for Business to

One of the frequently asked questions we tackle is around migrating a WhatsApp (WA) for Business account to a new Business Solution Provider (BSP). If you’ve been working with our team and are considering making the switch to form another Business Solution Provider, then we’ve got all your questions answered right here.

  • What is a BSP?
  • What is the WhatsApp for Business migration process?
  • Porting numbers
  • How long does it take?
  • Downtime
  • Important considerations and requirements
  • Looking for a shortcut?

Let’s start at the beginning.

What is a BSP?

A Business Solution Provider (BSP) is one of a select group of solution providers with an in-depth knowledge of the WhatsApp Business Platform. They assist businesses like yours to create a WhatsApp Business account and to integrate your preferred technology stack to manage customer communications.

It’s important to work only with approved BSPs as there are some businesses claiming to offer the same solution, but are doing so in violation of WhatsApp’s terms of use.

What is the WhatsApp for Business migration process?

Migrating from one BSP to is possible. Here’s what you can expect:

Is your current BSP hosting / providing you with the number that you are using for WhatsApp? If so, when migrating the WhatsApp service, you will also need to port the number across to or to a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) before you can migrate the WA service, depending on the type of number. If they are not hosting your number, then you can skip the Porting number portion below.

Porting numbers

We can port 2711xxxxxxx, 2721xxxxxxx or 2787xxxxxxx numbers (Geographic and VoIP numbers) from another BSP to

  • If you want to port a number to us, we will need to sign a SIP Trunk agreement and factor in these minor costs and complete the relevant port documentation.
  • If you are using the number to make and receive calls on, there will be additional configuration / setup that is required. Please let us know if this is the case so that we can go through the relevant requirements to facilitate this with

If you want to use an existing mobile (EG: 2782xxxxxxx, 2776xxxxxxx 2783xxxxxxx etc) number you would need to port that number to an MNO (like CellC, MTN or Vodacom) and then once done, we can start the migration of the WA service to

How long does it take?

  • Porting of a geographic / VoIP number takes, on average, 30 days, provided there are no outstanding contractual obligations.
  • If you want to use your existing mobile number, timelines will depend on who you port that mobile number to. We can only start the process of migrating the WA service once your number has been successfully ported.
  • Whilst the porting process is underway, you can continue using your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA).
  • When we do the migration of the WA service, you will need to retrieve the OTP from that number. (Our team can do it if the number is ported to us – EG: Geographic or VoIP numbers.)


  • If the OTP and migration happens smoothly, there shouldn't be any downtime.
  • Until migration is completed by registering the phone number on the environment (destination WABA), the source / existing WABA can continue to send and receive messages without disruption in service.
  • When migration is complete, the destination WABA can start sending messages immediately (assuming the service behind it is active).

Important considerations and requirements

  • You will need to use same Facebook Business Manager ID with that you used with the previous BSP.
  • You will need to instruct your previous BSP to disable two-factor authentication on the number you intend to migrate when we are ready to migrate the WA service
  • Business verification must be approved on both accounts
  • You will need to complete an OTP verification. (This call will go to the number you are migrating as a proof of new ownership.)
  • On successful migration, display name, messaging limit, number quality rating, account status, approved WABA templates will be migrated
  • Message and chat history cannot be migrated

Looking for a shortcut?

The process has several necessary steps, but it is feasible to achieve a seamless migration to when you’re ready to do so. However, if this sounds like too much work then we have a workaround that may suit you.

You have the option to register a new WABA account with a new number which will bypass the entire porting and migrating process. You will, however, be starting your account from scratch as you will lose any previous messaging data, templates and ratings. If your account is fairly new and this won’t cost you too much in terms of lost data, then it may be the shortest route to all the functionality that you’ve been looking for.

Whatever your requirements are, you can rest easy knowing that is a dedicated Business Solution Provider. We have helped numerous businesses around the globe to get their WhatsApp for Business account set up and functioning perfectly - and we can do the same for you.

Request a demo with our team to get your WhatsApp for Business account migrated

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