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Jun 21, 2023
6 minutes read's Next Steps into Generative AI: Upcoming Releases for 2023

The market for generative AI has experienced significant growth, with over $14.8 billion of venture capital invested in startups building their products on Large Language Models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. The space is witnessing a boom, evident from the high number of website domain registrations in the field every week. The key challenge for most companies is to find out what’s going to propel their businesses.

Brechtje van Houtum
Brechtje van Houtum,
Content Marketer

Back in February, released its perspective on Large Language Models (LLMs) with a promise to deliver on a few topics we felt, at the time, would benefit our customers most. Following up towards the end of Q1 we delivered on that initial promise by letting our customers generate conversational content and extending handovers between our conversational AI and our CCaaS solution Mobile Service Cloud by automatically generating summaries of each conversation.

Now it’s time to announce further steps into our generative AI journey. With these steps, we help you to connect AI to your current data sources and tools, decrease time-to-go-live for your chatbots, and implement feedback loops for live agents and AI.

Read on to discover what the advantages of the new implementations are, and what features you can expect in 2023.

Introducing a New Breed of Conversational AI’s conversational AI platform Conversational AI Cloud and its CCaaS solution Mobile Service Cloud will be the first to benefit from’s newly developed generative capabilities. Both solutions are set up to reinforce and empower each other resulting in a new AI-powered knowledge base that collects and combines information from both applications, next to other configurable internal, and external data sources. This knowledge graph is extended with Retrieval-Augmented Generation technology, which uses’s proprietary AI models, its customers’ data, and integrated Large Language Models - all fully connected through’s integration marketplace.

Our new breed of Conversational AI will be able to generate answers based on incoming end-users’ questions limited to a customer’s domain, without the need to define comprehensive and lengthy conversational flows. Agents in’s Mobile Service Cloud will be able to experience a completely new AI-powered assistant, generating agent suggestions and next-best agent actions, while also providing an integrated internal knowledge base to avoid the need to look up information from both internal and external sources when engaging with customers.

Leverage All Data Sources in One AI Solution to Drive Customer Engagements

Before embracing generative AI technologies, businesses often have concerns about the relevance of the generated content for their customers. While Large Language Models utilize vast amounts of training data, they lack access to a business’ internal knowledge base and customer service guidelines. It doesn’t understand your business. This raises doubts about the conversational AI’s ability to answer customers’ queries effectively and consistently. After all, without knowledge of previous questions, your business domain, and your preferred tone of voice, how can you be certain that the solution will provide accurate responses and recommendations?

Our technology effortlessly taps into the wealth of data available within your organisation. This enables our solutions to deliver highly informed and contextually relevant responses to your agents or directly through a bot. You can now trust that our AI solutions will leverage the knowledge and information unique to your company, ensuring the best possible answers to your customers' questions.’s new breed of AI-powered conversational agents can leverage the strengths of generative AI while seamlessly connecting to any data source, both internal and external. This includes various valuable internal sources such as blog posts, customer service pages, internal playbooks, and knowledge bases, as well as external systems like CRM, ERP, eCommerce platforms, or CCaaS solutions. Gone are the days of agents tirelessly searching through multiple databases and knowledge bases and conversation designers setting up lengthy and complex conversational flows.

Accelerate Time-To-Go-Live for Your Chatbots With Generative AI

Implementation and set-up of a chatbot can be a lengthy process. When starting, the bot still needs to be taught to understand your domain. Not only how to best answer your customers’ questions, but also your brand identity, tone of voice, and personalized interactions.

With’s integrated generative AI capabilities, setting up a conversational AI interface becomes instant and effortless. Since it uses all information available, it will generate contextual answers that match your brand's preferred tone of voice. This eliminates the need for extensive content creation and fine-tuning, saving valuable time and resources. Additionally, our system leverages supervised learning, continuously improving the AI's understanding and response accuracy by analysing carefully curated sets of live agent-end-user conversations. By learning from real-world interactions, the AI becomes more adept at providing relevant and effective responses over time.

Unlock the Power of Continuous Learning and Feedback Loops

Companies strive to gain a better understanding of their customers and learn from their interactions. Leveraging agent-end-user conversations, as well as chatbot interactions, can enhance both AI performance and live interactions.

Implementing a feedback loop between live agents and chatbots enhances customer service and operational efficiency. It enables continuous learning, leading to AI improvements and a better understanding of your business. It improves information exchange during handovers, automates learning processes, and enables generative feedback loops, leading to immediate AI enhancements and a profound comprehension of your business. Every interaction becomes a valuable learning opportunity, empowering conversational AI to consistently adapt and improve according to ever-changing customer requirements. Our AI facilitates automated learning mechanisms, enabling agents to benefit from shared experiences, insights, and best practices, providing them with actionable guidance. ensures data privacy and security by partnering with reputable vendors and providing privacy redaction, strict SLAs, and transparency. At, our AI strategy revolves around the integration of foundational models like Large Language Models (LLMs) enabling generative AI, alongside our proprietary AI models. expects to deliver these new capabilities as part of a closed beta with a select group of participating customers. Timelines have been set for August to deliver the first set of features, with an expected go-live across solutions for all customers in Q4.

Conversational AI Cloud

New features launching this year:

  • Instant bot set-up through automatic creation of conversational AI based on connected data sources.

  • Generated, contextual answers based on the preferred tone of voice aligned with your brand.

  • Supervised learning by feeding the conversational AI with a carefully curated set of live agent-end-user conversations.

  • Fully integrated into our multi-engine NLU in 128 languages, works out-of-the-box for both new and existing customers.

  • Integrated out-of-the-box with portfolio, and’s marketplace product, allowing for integrations with external CRM’s, ERP’s, knowledge bases, and third-party CCaaS platforms.

  • Enterprise-level security ensures our customers stay in control of their data and ensuring that data is processed according to regulatory standards.

Mobile Service Cloud

New features launching this year:

  • Agent assist functionality by generating answers for agents based on historical data, and company data.

  • Enhance the information given to an agent when receiving a handover, describing what happened, why the conversation was put through and suggesting the next best agent actions.

  • Unsupervised learning mechanism for the AI-powered agent assistant.

  • Generative feedback loops, improving the AI over time and making it grow to understand your business

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Brechtje van Houtum
Brechtje van Houtum,
Content Marketer
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As a content marketer, Brechtje is responsible for all content about our SaaS products. Loves to be up-to-date about new technologies and believes in 'customer first'.

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