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Jan 25, 2021
5 minutes read

Introducing Sign 2.0: New UX Design for E-Signatures

Bringing you the latest exciting design enhancements, based on current UX insights. At we’re always looking for ways to enhance and improve our products. The world doesn’t stand still, after all.

We have recently launched a redesign for Sign, based on the latest UX insights. 

What is Sign?

Sign is a fast, easy to use and highly secure tool for requesting, collecting and storing digital signatures. You can also use the tool to confirm identification and process payments. Sign helps global businesses of all sizes and from all sectors complete contracts, agreements, documents and payments without unnecessary printing and scanning.

New in Sign 2.0

1. Increase open rates by sending documents via SMS 

Sending communications via SMS is one of the most trusted ways to deliver information to customers. SMS messages have a staggering 98% open rate! We are proud to be unique in the market when offering customers the facility to send out documents via SMS.

Choosing to send via SMS with Sign means:

  • Helping you to increase open rates significantly;
  • You can get contracts signed faster, which speeds up signing processes;
  • Plus, you can send through multiple channels with the same guarantee of security.

sign sms flow onesign sms flow twosign sms flow three

2. Clearer symbols on the design interface, making it even easier to send contracts and documents.screenshot sign documents

3. Clearer menu structure with more intuitive layering, making the process of sending agreements more straightforward and less time-consuming. screenshot sign dossier

4. The inclusion of colour-coded symbols to help you track and monitor progress with signatures and keep on top of tasks.screenshot sign rental agreement

5. Clearer layout of your document using guides. Guides help you align fields for signatures and initials. They appear automatically when you create a field, making it even easier to send professional-looking documents.

sign outline help

Reduce the risk to your business

Niels, Product Manager for Sign at, had this to say:

"Over the past two years, we have developed Sign into a product with incredibly rich functionalities - including the ability to send documents by SMS, which is a unique offering in the marketplace. These functionalities are built on the basis of market developments and customer feedback, and this ensures Sign provides the perfect fit for customers, as well as being globally scalable. 

With Sign, your private documents are processed more securely than via physical alternatives. All services are hosted on our privately owned and operated environments. There are no public cloud services involved.

A redesign has helped enhance Sign's functionalities further, so they fit perfectly into the signing flow. The results are above expectations. It is fantastic to hear all the positive feedback from our customers and to know that the product is doing everything they need it to, and more. In terms of UX, we are currently setting the standards in the marketplace. Customers can now create a contract even faster and offer it to sign, knowing it is 100% secure and compliant with all regulations."

What are the Benefits of Choosing Sign? 

1.Save time and costs

Unlike other companies where you pay every time you send a document - whether it's signed or not - with Sign, you only pay when you receive a signed document. What's more, you only pay one fixed price. This helps you manage costs and means no nasty surprises for you or your finance team. What's more, by making the signing processes 100% electronic and paperless, you'll reduce costs and resources, and you'll be demonstrating your commitment to the environment, too. 

2.Achieve better results and boost revenue

Faster signing improves your business results. Using remote signing technology helps you streamline business processes and speed up revenue streams. As we mentioned above – our customers saved hours – even days – after implementing Sign. Plus, Sign can integrate seamlessly with your front and back-office systems so you can reduce the time you spend on admin. 

3.Ensure compliance and build trust with customers.

Both you and your customers want to know that the data you send is completely secure. By choosing Sign, you can rest assured that your electronic signature processes are 100% secure as well as legally binding, giving you peace of mind and helping you build trust with your customers. 

Create a demo account and start testing Sign with 3 free documents

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