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Apr 19, 2023
6 minutes read

Smart Marketing Communication Tools for Logistics and Transport Industry

The adage that time is money has never been truer than it is today - and especially for those brave souls in transport and logistics. Razor-thin profit margins and almost impossible deadlines make this a particularly challenging industry!

So, what magic elixir do we need to acquire to keep edgy customers happy, entice new business, and still maintain a reasonable level of sanity in our customer support and marketing team?

Today we’re talking about working smarter and using the most effective marketing communication tools at our disposal.

The best marketing communication tools

Modern communication tools have revolutionised the way people talk to people, and how businesses interact with customers. Companies can now leverage these same tools to enhance their marketing efforts, build brand loyalty, and improve customer experience - an awesome triple whammy in the business world.

What are these, and how can you make the best use of them in your business?

Winning with WhatsApp

WhatsApp is one of the most popular and widely used messaging app and with good reason. It allows businesses to communicate with customers in a fast and convenient way. With WhatsApp Business Platform, businesses can send direct messages, images, videos, and voice notes within a channel that their customers are already familiar with.

Fast and lightweight communication with Twitter

Twitter is becoming a powerful tool for businesses looking to build a following and engage with customers. In fact, Twitter in South Africa ranks third to Facebook & Instagram in terms of social engagement.

According to a study by Hootsuite, 89% of users have used Twitter to find new products, and 76% of people have said they bought something based on Twitter conversations. This highlights the potential impact that Twitter can have on a business's marketing efforts.

Telegram for business broadcasts

Since its inception, Telegram has grown quickly and quietly, with a reported 55.2 million daily users at the last count. Like Twitter, Telegram can be used to provide real-time tracking and delivery updates, offer secure customer support, and send promotional messages.

Telegram for business offers features such as end-to-end encryption, self-destructing messages, and the ability to send large files.

Firsthand information via Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger has transitioned seamlessly from a personal messaging platform to a robust business communication tool. Businesses can send direct messages, images, videos, and voice notes to their customers with just a couple of clicks.

With the average user spending at least 33 minutes per day, Facebook provides a gentle way for businesses to advertise or introduce themselves on the most popular social platforms in the world.

Short and sweet with an SMS

SMS notifications have a proven open rate of 98%, making it a highly effective method for reaching customers. With SMS, businesses can provide real-time updates on the status of deliveries, changes in schedules or offer important information or promotions.

Overall, SMS communication is an excellent tool for transport and logistics companies to enhance their customer experience and encourage new business.

Maximising the potential of the marketing communication tools

Transport and logistics companies can leverage communication tools in the following ways:

Real-time updates

Twitter is a great platform to be proactive about your brand’s communication strategy. A direct message about the current location of the delivery truck, any changes in schedule, and estimated delivery times can help build customer loyalty and improve their overall experience.logistics-blog-real-time-informationFor businesses that operate on Facebook, this allows for easy and transparent communication with both current and potential customers on Messenger.

Industry news and trends

Twitter provides an excellent way of sharing news and trends related to the transport and logistics industry. Companies can share articles, infographics, and other content to showcase their expertise and knowledge of the industry.

Marketers can also build brand awareness and establish the company as a thought leader in the industry with WhatsApp newsletters. These typically have a 100% delivery rate and an open rate of above 90%.

Brands can create a Telegram group for their customers to join. This can be used to share information about business, industry news, and trends. It can also be used to facilitate customer engagement and encourage discussions.

Promotions and offers

In this age of mass marketing and information overload, diversifying your communication strategy is a necessity to fit into your customers’ sensibilities. with promotional messages on WhatsApp, you can create a more personalised, eye-catching message hence building brand loyalty.

A transport and logistics company can send target communication about limited time offers, seasonal discounts, and other promotions to attract new customers and retain existing ones.


WhatsApp is an excellent tool for sending promotional messages and discount codes. Read the article below for more information and insights into this clever marketing and communication tool

How the Logistics Industry Can Benefit From the WhatsApp Business Solution

Customer support

In the transport and logistics industry, customer support via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Telegram is an effective tool to answer queries expediently. Companies can also answer customer questions either via a public tweet or address concerns privately via direct messages on Twitter.

logistics-blog-customer-supportThis immediate communication allows your dedicated team to provide solutions to problems in a fast and efficient way.

Integrating your current tech stack with SMS platform to automate communication will assist your company in improving customer satisfaction, reducing the number of customer inquiries, and increasing customer loyalty. Additionally, SMS notifications can be automated, saving time and resources for your business.

Don’t dig for data.

There’s no doubt that these effective and popular messaging tools benefit the logistics & transport industry no matter the size of the company.

What many businesses struggle with, however, is making the best use of them.

Much like a juggler who needs to keep his constantly moving pins in the right place at the right time, smart businesses need a way to maximise the unique benefits of each tool.

Marketers can create exceptional customer journeys that boost engagement and conversion rates with's Mobile Marketing Cloud. This omnichannel customer engagement solution incorporates all mobile messaging channels, including SMS, Twitter, Telegram and WhatsApp. It further enhances the capabilities of each tool by providing businesses with automated communication processes, including the ability to send personalised messages based on customer behaviour and previous interactions.

Furthermore, our Customer Data Platform offers a range of benefits for transport and logistics businesses. By providing businesses with this smart, centralised platform for collecting and analysing customer data, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer preferences and habits. This can help businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with their customers.

In summary, marketing communication tools have certainly transformed the way businesses in the transport and logistics industry communicate with customers. Twitter, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS are all powerful tools that can help businesses to build brand awareness, increase customer satisfaction, and improve customer experience.’s Mobile Marketing Cloud further enhances these tools by providing businesses with the ability to automate their communication processes and track customer interactions.

Transform your logistics and transport marketing communications today.

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