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  • How Does an SMS API Work?
  • How to Use SMS APIs?
  • What Are SMS Use Cases?
  • How to Get Started With an SMS API?

What is an SMS API?

An SMS API is a type of API that allows your business to integrate SMS (Short Message Service) messaging into your existing software platforms. SMS APIs enable you to send or receive SMS messages quickly and easily through any website or application.

An SMS API makes it possible for your business to operate 24/7, providing customer notifications and information even outside business hours.

Manual systems like email often require hands-on operations, slowing you down and making your business communications seem inconvenient and antiquated to customers. Relying on human intervention to handle routine transactions increases the likelihood of unnecessary errors and drains resources better used elsewhere.

How Does an SMS API Work?

SMS APIs connect telecom carriers to the internet, avoiding the necessity of using a platform or software “middleman” to affect this functionality. After you integrate an SMS API, logging in manually to send SMS messages becomes a thing of the past. API protocols enable you to send SMS messages automatically, saving time and money.

api vs webapp

The advantage of using an SMS API over web-based applications is that they don’t require an internet connection. As long as a user has cell phone access, they can receive your messages.

Remember, a user must opt-in to receive any SMS messages from you. Be sure to obtain your customers’ express written consent or risk being penalised or fined for TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) infractions.

How to Use SMS APIs?

SMS APIs enable you to send thousands of text messages in seconds, automatically. Using an SMS API allows for efficient, professional, and safe omnichannel communications that improve customer experience and support.

What Are SMS Use Cases?

  • Enabling two-way communication with customers

  • Customising messages, including personalised bulk SMS messages

  • Sending one-time passwords (OTPs)

  • Confirming appointments or bookings

  • Tracking message deliveries to provide feedback on customer service efforts

  • Promoting sales and discounts

  • Providing flexibility with segmented marketing campaigns

  • Sending shipment tracking notifications

  • Automating simple tasks to free up staff

  • Scheduling time-sensitive messages at set intervals

  • Using two-factor authentication (2FA) for account security

How to Get Started With an SMS API?

If you want to send and receive SMS messages, an SMS gateway operator will help you to organize and manage your processes.'s SMS gateway allows you to easily send bulk text messages across the globe and can be used in a variety of ways.

Our SMS API code allows you to send and receive SMS messages in minutes and is fully supported with detailed documentation and complete codes for developers. Whether you use short codes or long codes, our SMS API helps start meaningful two-way customer conversations at a low cost.

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