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  • What Are the Benefits of an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot?
  • How to Use an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot?
  • Examples of Internal Knowledge Base Success
  • How to Get Started With a Dynamic Internal Knowledge Base

What Is an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot?

An internal knowledge base chatbot allows you to hold a vast amount of internal company information in one place. This single source of truth is oftentimes based on the input of your customer-facing chatbot and will be optimized continuously by experts and customer service agents.

With an internal knowledge base chatbot your entire company can find up-to-date information in one place. This dynamic database helps to always have the best possible answers available.

One of the prime benefits of an internal knowledge base chatbot is that it can fast track new employee training and allow new starters to become more effective more quickly. The knock-on effect of that is it frees up more experienced staff to focus on quality customer care rather than line management and training.

But internal knowledge bases are not only for new starters - experienced colleagues can benefit from the depth of information they provide. It’s virtually impossible for one employee to hold all of the information at all times that they need to do their job, so an internal chatbot is a useful reference tool.

Knowledge leaving your business is also a concern, particularly in high-churn environments such as customer service. A dynamic internal knowledge base solves the issue of knowledge retention by keeping vital information at the fingertips of all team members. 

What Are the Benefits of an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot?

A knowledge base chatbot can support employees in ways humans can’t, giving them the information they need to do their job effectively from day one. Some of the benefits include:

  • Boost efficiency for new starters and experienced employees
  • Empowers teams to find correct responses fast
  • More consistent, unified customer experiences

How to Use an Internal Knowledge Base Chatbot?

Many areas of your business could benefit from an internal knowledge base chatbot. Here are just a few:

Internal Processes

Sometimes the chatbot functionality is more intelligent than some internal systems. A dynamic internal knowledge base can improve legacy systems. Use it as one single source of truth to break down siloes. Improve your employee experience while improving customer experience. Every employee can look for an answer, check if it’s correct, and get instructed on how to use this in their work – all from one system. This leads to the best answer - in any situation.

Customer Service

Looking up data in multiple systems is history – you can find everything in your knowledge base. Make sure your company starts working and updating the content in the knowledge base, then your agents and the bot will always have the best answer available. Both use the same data, leading to a more consistent, unified customer experience. Your customers and your customer service team will be happy.

Cross-functional Collaboration

A dynamic knowledge base is not just for knowledge sharing; it can also improve cross-team collaboration. Give employees across departments one location to find, share, and update information. This will improve the visibility of what other teams are doing, leading to better understanding, greater collaboration, and new perspectives. 

HR & Onboarding

Your chatbot can contain valuable internal information for your employees to access alongside external-facing information. Doing away with an oldfashioned employee handbook will drag your HR processes kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Examples of Internal Knowledge Base Success

Many of our customers are using Conversational AI Cloud to build a chatbot for internal purposes. Vattenfall and VIVID have shared their experiences:

vattenfall customer story

CAIC vivid

How to Get Started With a Dynamic Internal Knowledge Base

The best way to get started is to find out what your customers are currently asking. Are you already using a chatbot? Check those conversations. Otherwise, ask your customer service team. The most important step is to build your knowledge base. Get everyone working in it, and make it a fluid database - with always the most up-to-date information in there.

With Conversational AI Cloud you can build your own internal knowledge base chatbot. You can use the same database your consumer-facing chatbot is using.

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