What is Safeguard?

Safeguard is a suite of software-based features aimed to combat fraud. All features help CM.com customers put restrictions and rules in place for their traffic flow and help recognize and monitor suspicious activity in traffic.

CM.com has created a suite of software-based features packaged under the name Safeguard. All features help CM.com customers to control and monitor their traffic flow by putting restrictions and rules in place. Customers can restrict which of their IP addresses can access the CM.com account and limit the amount of traffic through their account and towards specific destinations in the CM.com platform. Additionally, CM.com can continuously monitor traffic to build a customer-specific profile and inform customers about any abnormalities that are detected.

safeguardIP Address Restrictions

IP address restrictions enhance security by permitting only specified IP addresses or ranges to access Messaging Platform and messaging services. It helps mitigate risks through preventing unauthorized access, data breaches, and malicious activities even when uninvited guests already have access to the product token.

Destination Management

Destination management enables customers to create a block-list or allow-list for their messaging account. Customers can fully customize this list via the platform app Channels > Gateway > Safeguard. The gateway can be configured to either allow a block-list or an allow-list.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting helps the customer manage and control the rate of messages being sent in a specified time frame. Safeguard offers rate limiting on recipient level and account level, checking how many messages go to unique recipients vs accounts. Rate limiting is often put in place to manage and regulate the usage of the platform's resources, prevent misuse, ensure fair access for all users, and maintain the platform's performance and reliability.

AI Anomaly Detection

AI Anomaly Detection continuously monitors suspicious behavior in messaging traffic. Situations that fall outside regular sending patterns are most often seen through the combination of below characteristics.

  • Destination classification (i.e. suspicious/not suspicious country)

  • Deviations in traffic to specific destinations

  • Anomaly detection on conversion (or DLR)

  • Number ranges

  • The chosen supplier reliability

Why is Safeguard Needed?

A2P Messaging is bigger than ever in today's digital landscape, and that makes it vulnerable for fraud. Falling victim to fraud will potentially lead to financial and reputational damage for CM.com customers and for CM.com - and that's something everybody wants to prevent. Safeguard reduces the risks and combats A2P messaging fraud.

One of the most recent threats detected on the messaging market is Artificial Inflated Traffic (AIT), also known as SMS pumping. Fraudsters generate traffic on the account of a customer to benefit from that traffic. CM.com customers are then (unfairly) charged for that traffic. AIT can lead to revenue loss, reputational damage, and legal challenges for both CM.com and the customers.

Safeguard Key Benefits

Proactively identifying and addressing fraud such as AIT reduces the risk for damages, safeguarding both business and customer interests by:

  1. Preventing unnecessary costs for the customer

  2. Preventing reputational damage due to abuse

  3. Providing re-assurance and a sense of security

  4. Offering flexibility through self-service options for customers

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