Knowledge Center next icon WhatsApp Template Rejection
Sep 21, 2022
1 minute read

WhatsApp Template Rejection


This card aims to help customers solve issues regarding rejected WhatsApp Templates.
It's based on the WhatsApp Template Guidelines.




Possible Cause


Incorrect category

WhatsApp is strict in the chosen category, as it will influence the price of a conversation. Authentication is used for sending OTP messages or activation links. Utility is for messages about an ongoing transaction or follow-up notification. All other messages are categorized as Marketing.

Sample required

When you use an image, video, or document in a template, offers a generic sample with the request.
If the purpose of the message is not clear from the text of the message, providing a real-world example can help.

Incorrectly formatted parameters

Make sure you enter variables correctly. A correct variable looks like this: {{1}} or {{2}}.
Examples of incorrect variables: [1], {ProductName} or [[1]].

Incorrect language

A template requested in a specific language should not contain a different language. Templates combining multiple languages in one message are not supported.

No links to WhatsApp

Don't link to a Whatsapp conversation. (ie. links)

All Whatsapp guidelines can be found here: WhatsApp Template Guidelines. cannot influence the approval of templated messages directly. WhatsApp is responsible for the final approval.

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