Knowledge Center next icon How can I add an image to my tickettypes?
Dec 13, 2022
2 minutes read

How can I add an image to my tickettypes?

When entering the ticketing dashboard you go to the left menu and click ontickets. Before being able to add images to tickets, it is important to create your tickets.

  1. Go to the plus icon in the right upper corner and click on “Add Ticket Type”
  2. Add the needed Ticket Types
  3. Click on the Ticket, e.g. “Regular Ticket”
  4. Click on “Upload File” under Shop Image
  5. Make sure your image is 320 x 200
  6. Click on Save


From now on you can choose your display type. This is the way how your ticket types will be organized within your ticket shop (card or list). Card looks like this:


List looks like this:


  1. Go to the left menu and click on shop
  2. Click on Ticket Types
  3. Click on the pencil in the right upper corner
  4. Go to Display Type and choose List or Card
  5. Click on Save

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