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Sep 20, 2022
4 minutes read

Guide to Links

Add Link (URLs) to an Answer

You can add a URL to any text in your article, dialog or event answer.

Follow these steps to add a URL to your answer:

  1. Select the text where you want to add a link and highlight the text area where the URL will be inserted

  2. Press the small link icon above the answer
  3. Insert the URL you want to use. You can also search for URLs already being used in your database by typing in part of the URL into the field

  4. To set the target to open the URL in a new page, select the "Open in a new window" box

  5. Select "OK". Your text is now blue and underlined which means it contains a link

  6. Click the "Add answer" or "Update" button and Save your answer

add link.gif

Good to Know

If your project has a link click endpoint set up through your FE, you can view the overall % of offered links that your users clicked on in the Answers Dashboard. If this percentage is low, you are either offering links that your users don’t need or it is not clear enough from your answers that these links are useful.

Call to Action (CTA)

Effective answers give the user a sense of how to apply the information they are reading. Guide your users and tell them what they need to do with a Call to Action. The most common CTA you will use in your answers are hyperlinks. Just remember, don’t overload your users with too much information.

Here are some additional tips to make the best out of your CTA:

  • Be clear and concise

  • Focus on value – less is more

  • Limit your CTA to 5 words

  • Create a sense of urgency

  • Use strong command verbs (buy, shop, order)

  • Use context – mobile users might need a different CTA

Remove Link (URL) From an Answer

Follow these steps to remove a link from an answer:

  1. Select the entire blue underlined text containing the link that you want to remove
  2. Click the "unlink" icon (next to the link icon)
  3. When the text is no longer blue, then you know the link has been removed
  4. Click the "Update" button and Save your answer

remove link.gif

Create a Dynamic Link or Page Push

You can create a dynamic link or page push with a project constant, if your website supports the use of links with these kind of variables.

For this scenario, a user enters their tracking number into the chatbot.

The chatbot recognizes the tracking number with a Regular Expression Entity. The Answer contains a URL with a project constant,"%{value} with the project constant added to the end of the URL string.

This creates a unique URL for the end user:"1236277546 relying on the tool from your website to provide the actual tracking status for the specific tracking number.

For example, the URL you would use for 'this page' would be "" with the project constant added to the end of the URL string.

And the unique URL behind the link 'this page' for this end-user, would look like:
""1236277546" relying on the tool on the website to provide the actual tracking status for that specific tracking number straight away.

Link to Telephone Number (Click-to-call)

Conversational AI Cloud supports the tel: protocol in URLs. This means you can add a URL such as tel:+31123456789 using the phone number as the link text. This will then be presented in the answer as a clickable phone number.


Mobile browsers will offer to call the number, and often on a desktop or laptop, a program such as Skype may try to place the call.

Some mobile phones will turn any text that looks like a phone number into a clickable link on their own which may offer more options than the above tel: link, but of course only on devices that support it.

Link to Email Address

Conversational AI Cloud supports the mailto: protocol in URLs. This means you can add an email address as a URL such as mailto:[email protected] and the email address will show as the link text. This will then be presented in the answer as a clickable email address which will then open the program or app on your device to send an email.


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