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Jun 14, 2024
2 minutes read

Forward to WhatsApp

Native Voice toggle

Below you can find a guide on how to forward a Native Voice conversation to Whatsapp using the Voice Flowbuilder.

  1. Open Voice Flowbuilder:
    • Go to the Voice Flowbuilder app in your Apps via the nine-tile menu.
  2. Select the IVR Menu Object:
    • In the left pane, find the ‘IVR menu’ object under ‘Conditional routing’ objects. This allows you to continue a conversation via WhatsApp.
  3. Add an HTTP Request Action:
    • To connect to WhatsApp, add an ‘HTTP request’ action from the left pane, found under ‘Outbound actions’. Refer to the example flow below.
  4. Fill in the HTTP Request Options:
    • Choose a description for your HTTP request, such as ‘whatsapp’.
  5. Set the Request Method:
    • Set the request method to ‘POST’.
  6. Set the Request URL:
  7. Set the Request Body
    • Set the request body to:
    • Below, it is explained where to find the values in the red xxx.











"number":" caller_number"




































Below you can find guidelines on where to find the elements in red.

  1. Producttoken
    • Product token from the CM portal.
    • Ask your contact person for the producttoken, because this is only visible to
  2. From
    • Phone number from which the message is send. Start with the country code. (For example for The Netherlands it starts with '0031').
  3. Namespace, Element_name, Code
    • These elements relate to the WhatsApp message template to be sent.
    • The information can be found in the WhatsApp Dashboard. Below is an explanation of how to access it.
    • Go to your profile in the right top corner.
    • Click 'Dashboard'
    • Below 'Channels' (middle pane), select 'WhatsApp Business'
    • Go to the 'Message templates' tab and select the WhatsApp message template you want to connect.
    • Go to the 'For Developers' tab and here you can find the information. See below.


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