Knowledge Center next icon How to secure my Ticketshop for a selected group of people?
Dec 13, 2022
2 minutes read

How to secure my Ticketshop for a selected group of people?

How to organise a presale? toggle
  • How to secure my Ticketshop for a selected group of people?

It’s possible to protect the ticketshop with an access key, this access key is a code that can be entered to access the ticketshop. This can be used, for example, to give a select audience (f.e. a pre-sale) early access to your ticketshop.

Generate access keys

  1. Go to Promotion > Access Keys


  1. Klik the '+ create campaign' icon to generate access keys
  2. In the next window fill in the correct data:
  • Campaign Name: The name of your campaign
  • Max order: How many tickets can be purchased with the access key
  • Uses: choose if the access key can be used multiple times or just once
  • Quantity: The amount of access keys you wish to generate
  • Choose the shop on which the access key is applicable. This can be the default shop, but it’s also possible to create a separate shop for a specific audience/campaign.
  • Click Generate Codes to generate the access keys

The campaign is now visible in the overview and can be clicked on to view statistics (how often and if a key is used). An Excel file with the campaign data can also be downloaded, which contains the access keys and custom shoplinks (with the access keys pre-filled).

Enabling Access Keys

After generating the access keys, the ticketshop needs to be locked seperately:


When the pre-sale is finished and the ticketshop needs to be accessible for everyone again, you can also un-lock the ticketshop.

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