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Dec 07, 2022
1 minute read

How do I create upsell tickets?


  • Ticketing


If you want to sell, for example, merchandise, parking tickets, or food & beverage packages in the ticket shop of your event, you can simply create these upsell tickets by making new ticket types in the Ticketing Dashboard. We first advise you to create a new category in the shop link of your event,). We advise you to first make new categories for these upsell tickets. You can then immediately add the right tickets at the right category. Click here for more information.

If you don’t know how to create ticket types, click here for the extended information of the Ticketing dashboard. When creating an event you create ticket types and name them for example Early Bird and Regular. For making upsell tickets you do exactly the same, but you name them as your merchandise, for example Hoodie S, Hoodie M, T-Shirt S, T-Shirt M and if you sell parking tickets and food & beverage, you can also create these new ticket types.

If you have ticket variation in your upsell tickets, for example the hoodies M and S as mentioned above, you create for every hoodie size a new ticket type. If you have several types of merchandise, we advise you to make a category with these ticket types and within this category you can add several merchandises, e.g., hoodies, t-shirts and as above-mentioned sizes etc.

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