Knowledge Center next icon Introduction to Conversation Variables
May 31, 2023
1 minute read

Introduction to Conversation Variables

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Conversation variables introduce ways to reuse content across cultures and offer ways to personalize conversations and interactions. A conversation variable is:

  • A dynamic variable
  • Defined on a project level, and can be used across all cultures in that project
  • Has an optional default value, specific to each culture
  • Can be referenced from an entity, or a transactional dialog making the variable dynamic based on conversation flow and end-user input
  • Can be referenced from within answers in articles’s, events, and (t-)dialogs
  • Can be set through the gateway API (through session properties), and Context Store API

If a conversation variable is added to an answer, it will be replaced in the answer by the value set last on the variable.

Conversation variables can be used for the following use cases:

  • If you want a piece of content to be re-used across different answers inside/across (the same) culture(s)
  • If you want a dynamic variable that can be filled throughout the conversation through an entity, or a transactional dialog
  • A place to store information from the session, which can then be used to, for example, determine the context of an interaction

Below is an example of a conversation variable being used in an article answer:


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