Knowledge Center next icon How do I add a ctaDelay to an event?
Nov 02, 2023
3 minutes read

How do I add a ctaDelay to an event?


  • Conversational AI Cloud
  • Web Conversations


When you wish to show the text from i.e. the onload event in a project outside of the chatbot icon on the page, you can use the ctaDelay metadata to set this up.

  1. First you need to create metadata for ctaDelay. Go to the Configuration screen in the project and select Metadata. You can create new metadata by clicking the + button:


  1. Add the new metadata as follows and click the create button:


  1. After you create the metadata, go to the Events page and select the onload event:


  1. Once selected click on the Context variables / Metadata button and select the Metadata tab:

  2. In the marked field you have to specify the duration of the delay. Please be aware, this has to be entered in milliseconds! So a 3 second delay would need the value 3000 in here.
  3. After you've entered the duration of the delay, drag and drop the metadata to the answer and click save:

add metadata.gif

Your answer should now look like this:


⚠️ Currently the ctaDelay doesn't show in the preview of Web Conversations because it opens automatically. If you want to preview the duration of the ctaDelay, you will need to place the script on a page. If you find that it isn't working, send a ticket to [email protected].

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