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Aug 31, 2023
3 minutes read

Visitors Segments

The highlighted text are the variables in the segments.

Please note that the CDP is upper/lower case sensitive, the ticket name or event name should be exactly as it is defined in the Ticketing dashboard.

All visitors of an event (without using ticket personalisation)

Example using the event_name to define the specific event

  1. Visitor has purchased a ticket -> Ticket Sale occured at least 1 time for event name Festival 2022


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022


All visitors of an event (with using ticket personalisation)

Example using event_name to define the specific event

  1. Visitor has purchased a ticket -> Ticket Sale occured at least 1 time for event name Festival 2022


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022


  1. Visitor has personalised a ticket -> Ticket Personalisation is at least 1 time for event Festival 2022


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022


Visitors of specific day of event (without using ticket personalisation)

Example using ticket_type_name to define which ticket the visitor purchased

  1. Visitor has purchased a ticket -> Ticket Sale occured at least 1 time for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


! When having multiple e.g. Saturday tickets you need to define all ticket_type_names in the filters. IF you use the tickettype Saturday every year, please also define the specific event in the filter. E.g. Early Bird Saturday and Saturday.

  1. Visitor has purchased a ticket -> Ticket Sale occured at least 1 time for ticket type name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Early bird Saturday


event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Early Bird Saturday


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday OR

event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


If all tickettype names contain 'Saturday' in the ticket type name, you can also use this as a filter:


Visitors of specific day of event (with using ticket personalisation)

Example using ticket_type_name

  1. Visitor has purchased a ticket -> Ticket Sale occured at least 1 time for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


  1. Visitor has personalized a ticket -> Ticket Personaliszation occured at least 1 time for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


Ticket is not cancelled -> Ticket Cancel is at most 0 times for event name Festival 2022 AND ticket type name Saturday


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