Knowledge Center next icon GenAI Security
Apr 23, 2024
1 minute read

GenAI Security

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The following data protection & security measures are in place:

  • All knowledge and conversations are saved on's internal databases, with a separate database for every client. Knowledge is never used for training/tuning LLMs.
  • Data goes through an anonimisation process before going to any LLM, and is re-identified before it goes to the user. As such there is no personally identifiable information flow towards the LLM.
  • Measures are taken against LLM pitfalls such as hallucinations & prompt injection.
  • The Engine is GDPR Compliant. All LLM models are hosted in Europe.
  • According to the AI Act, the GenAI engine classifies as a limited-risk system.
  • qualifies as both the provider and deployer of the AI system. As such, is the owner of the model itself, whereas clients are the owner of the knowledge. A client's knowledge is deleted when they are no longer a client.

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