Knowledge Center next icon How to filter conversations in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?
Dec 14, 2022
2 minutes read

How to filter conversations in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?


  • Mobile Service Cloud


When you are looking for a specific conversation, or a range of chats you can find them back. Use the All conversations tab for this. When conversations still have an owner, and thus are still active you can see this, but also the conversations which need to be answered can be found in this section. This usually is a large amount of conversations. Filters are therefore crucial to find back your information.


There might be moments where the amount of incoming chats is higher than your team can handle those. To divide the chats on relevance, you can use sorting options. We sort the conversations based on the time they were received by the system, and the oldest are on top. You can alter your sorting by:

1. Oldest - thus the first conversation which has come in

2. Newest - the latest conversation which has been received.

Chats might occur in various time periods, we also added:

1. Shortest wait - customer to whom you have recently spoken too

2. Longest wait - customer to whom have not received a reply for long time.


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