Knowledge Center next icon Can I use a service number within NL as CLI?
Oct 06, 2023
1 minute read

Can I use a service number within NL as CLI?


  • Voice


According to the Dutch Telecom Regulator (ACM) the below is allowed to be used as CLI within The Netherlands.

  • “As a number user, you may send any own telephone number prior to a call as long as it matches the destination of the numbering plan, EXCEPT 090x (and 18xy) due to the risk of misuse/ECC Recommendation(11)/02
  • –3190X number users are therefore NOT allowed to send their number with outgoing calls, except for toll-free 090X numbers.
  • –31800 and free 3190X number users are allowed to send their number with an outgoing call, because the risk of consumer damage is nil (free nature).”

Update: ECC Recommendation (11)02 has now been replaced by ECC Recommendation (19)03, recommends “that premium rate numbers should not be presented as OI/CLI”. It is expected that 0800 and free 090x numbers do not qualify as 'premium rate' numbers.

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