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Sep 28, 2022
3 minutes read

How can I send SMS messages using my email?

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Turn an email into an SMS. It sounds that easy and it is that easy. You can use every email program to send an SMS from your CM Platform account. We call this Mail Message. (Previously MailSMS)

Go to My Apps in the top right corner and select Mail Message.


Here you can add single email addresses or whole domains to send SMS messages from.

Click the + button to add sender addresses or -domains.


Follow the steps to configure your email's behavior.

In step 1 enter the email address you will be sending messages from.

In step 2 you can choose additional security options. For most cases, the default options are fine.

In step 3 you set what should happen when we receive an email from you. Enter a valid SMS sender-ID.
(Customers of our Mobile Marketing Cloud, can choose to trigger a campaign instead of a plain SMS.)


The sender ID has a maximum length of 15 digits or 11 characters.

Optionally choose reporting in step 4. With that option you will receive a confirmation email back, whenever we process an email for you.

Check your settings in step 5 and save the configuration.

Now you can use the registered email address or -domain to send SMS as described below.

Send MailSMS from a registered address

You should send the email just as any other email. The mobile phone number of the recipient should be in the “To:” followed by “”.
Please make sure you use the international format for the phone number. E.g. “[email protected]”.
Any non-digit characters are removed from the recipient, so it is valid to use (0031)[email protected] as well.

The SMS text should be entered in the body of the email. If the body is longer than 160 characters, the SMS will be sent as a multipart SMS message. This means we will cut the large message into multiple parts and the phone will fit them together again.

The “Subject:” of the email is ignored.


The resulting SMS can be traced in the Message Log for the account.

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