Knowledge Center next icon Introduction To Dialogs
Nov 21, 2023
1 minute read

Introduction To Dialogs

Dialogs allow you to build end-to-end conversational flows that require more then just basic question-answering interactions as offered by articles. These conversational flows allow your conversational AI to engage in in-depth, deeply personalized interactions, fully integrated with external systems such as your CRM/OMS/ERP.

Dialogs are fully no-code. This means you won’t have to write a single line of code or logic to build out an entire dialog end-to-end. This is achieved by combining different types of dialog nodes, allowing you to branch out your conversational flow based on what you know, and don’t know.

Generally, a single dialog focuses on a specific use case like retrieving an order status or updating profile information, but they can also be used to refine a user’s question into a more specific answer.

On its own dialogs are standalone, contextual, conversational flows, which you integrate into the rest of your conversational AI through articles, and events.


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