Knowledge Center next icon Diagnostics
Mar 22, 2023
2 minutes read


The diagnostics center is useful for identifying recognition issues that may occur in your project. To use the diagnostics center, simply ask a question and the diagnostics will load below the test center.

There are three tabs which provide information on the following:

  • Intent Classification

  • Entity Recognition

  • Response

Intent Classification

Which intent was matched to the question along with its threshold and score. If you're using intents in your project, and you do not see a matched intent, then you might consider creating one to match with the question that was asked - or add the question to an existing intent and retraining your intent model. 


Entity Recognition

The detected entities and keywords and which entities matched with the question. If the wrong entites are matching with the question, check that your entities are not overlapping. If no entities are matching, you might consider adding one of the keywords to an existing entity, or creating a new entity so that there is a match. 
Select the 'view' icon to view the words in the matched entity.



This shows which Q&A match the question received, language detection and translation (if enabled for your project) and context and session value results. You can go directly to the Q&A by selecting the 'Edit Q&A' button on the matched Q&A.


For more detailed information on the diagnostics, you can select the JSON response on each tab which will open a pop-up.

More help with troubleshooting issues: 

If you're struggling with resolving recognition issues, you can always ask Support for help. Please send us the following information in your ticket: 

  • The url of your project

  • The question asked

  • The answer received (with the Q&A article ID)

  • The answer you would expect it to receive (with the Q&A article ID)

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