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Sep 28, 2022
2 minutes read

Test Recognition

The Test feature allows prototyping directly in Conversational AI Cloud. You can find Test on the bottom right of every page in Conversational AI Cloud. When you click on the blue Test button, an overlay appears where you can test your content and see how it will look on your website.


Test also shows you how added context or events will be shown. Our goal here is to give you the ability to test your content beforehand, for an improved user experience.

The entry field on this screen is a simulated chatbot.

Type in your question, press "Enter" on your keyboard, or click the "send" icon and you'll see the answer it will receive when an end-user types in that question on your website.


You can ask a previous question again by clicking the "clock" icon. A drop-down menu will show the last 5 questions asked. Select a question from list to ask the question again.


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