Knowledge Center next icon Test Contextual Answers
Sep 28, 2022
1 minute read

Test Contextual Answers

Test the contextual answers on your articles to see if the correct answer is shown for the applied context.

  1. Click the "+" on Active context and select the context variable that you want to test
  1. Once the context has been applied, ask a question:

test context.gif

If you haven't specified a context for the question you typed, the answer you receive will be the default answer.

When everything works properly, you will receive the article answer with the applied context. If it doesn't work, you might want to check the following:

  • The correct question was asked

  • The (correct) context was applied in the Test screen

  • The (correct) context was applied to the answer in the article

Remove Context Value from Test

To remove the context value from the test screen, select the more options icon next to the "Type your question here" field, and select "Reset conversation".


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