Knowledge Center next icon Sending data over HTTP
Apr 21, 2023
2 minutes read

Sending data over HTTP

Integrations are very important these days. With the Scripted Chatbot you are able to send data to an URL that is publicly available. The data can be static, as well as input given by the user.

config:  conversationOwner: null  conversationOwners:    - identifier: conversationOwner      channel: WhatsApp  scriptLanguageVersion: 1  scriptVersion: 1  defaultDelay: 200  lists:    positive-answers:      items:        - Ja    negative-answers:      source: negative-answers.ymlflows:  - id: main    description: Entry flow for the bot    steps:      - !entry         id: Entry-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        matches:          - opening        allowRestart: true        isCaseSensitive: true        doCatchAll: true      - !text         id: Text-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: What is your name?      - !input         id: Input-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        var: name        vars:          name.type: $$type          name.text: $$text $$mediaName $$mediaUri $$mediaMimeType          name.location.latitude: $$locationLatitude          name.location.longitude: $$locationLongitude          name.location.label: $$locationLabel          name.location.searchquery: $$locationSearchQuery          name.location.radius: $$locationRadius      - !text         id: Text-2        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: And what is your phone number?      - !input         id: Input-2        actions: []        clientActions: []        var: phoneNumber        vars:          phoneNumber.type: $$type          phoneNumber.text: $$text $$mediaName $$mediaUri $$mediaMimeType          phoneNumber.location.latitude: $$locationLatitude          phoneNumber.location.longitude: $$locationLongitude          phoneNumber.location.label: $$locationLabel          phoneNumber.location.searchquery: $$locationSearchQuery          phoneNumber.location.radius: $$locationRadius      - !text         id: Text-3        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: All right, thank you! We will store these fields in our database.      - !webrequest         id: WebRequest-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        response:          extracts: []        retries: 0        retryDelay: 0        waitForResponse: true        request:          queryParameters: {}          headers: {}          url:          method: PUT          timeout: 60          body: |-            {              "name": "{{name}}",              "phone number": "{{phoneNumber}}",              "type of request": "test"            }      - !text         id: Text-4        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: Already done! Have a nice day.

The HTTP endpoint used in this example is publicly available. When going through the flow you can inspect what is send at Be aware that everyone can see this data. Don't use sensitive data in the flow before changing the URL!

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