Knowledge Center next icon How to use the shared inbox in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?
Dec 14, 2022
2 minutes read

How to use the shared inbox in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?


  • Mobile Service Cloud


Once you enter the application, you enter it on the first tab, called “New”, all the conversations which are not assigned to you or any of your colleagues are visible. This your shared inbox. These conversations need to be divided over the support employees.blob

When you click on a chat in the inbox, you can read all messages in that conversation, and determine to whom you should assign it to handle this conversation.


When it is you who will answer this chat: click on the “Assign to me” button. The conversation moves straight away from the New inbox, to your own inbox – also known as Assigned to me. This conversation will automatically disappear from the shared-inbox You are now the owner of this conversation.

When you want to assign the chat to someone else, you can change the owner of a chat. Click on the three dots, and click on “Assign to”.


To keep an overview on all the assigned work, and active conversations those are available in the “Assigned” tab. From here a super visor could support and help agents when they are not able to follow-up on chats which they already started.

Summary: You share an inbox with all conversations, once you have picked up a message it is assigned to just you and no longer visible in the dashboard of your coworkers.

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