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Dec 05, 2022
2 minutes read

How to integrate your consent page in an email


To show how you can integrate a consent page in an email.

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Add a unsubscribe page

You can easily add an unsubscribe button to your email campaign. To do so, go to Email Campaigns and create a campaign or template, and select the design tab.
You'll see that a unsubscribe button has been added by default. You can either use this one or add a new one. You can add a new one via a button or a link in the text.

Add a button from the menu in the right an select it. The menu on the right will then allow you to add a link. Click "Insert page or special link" and select unsubscribe. Your button will now be linked to the unsubribe page.

To add an unsubscribe link in the text, you have to add a text block from the menu in the right. Select the part of the sentence that you would like to link to the unsubcribe page, click "Insert page or special link", and select "Unsubscribe".

More information on how to customize the unsubcribe page? Read this article.

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