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Sep 20, 2022
3 minutes read

How do invitees sign a document?


Sign a document as an invitee.




When a document is send to invitees, they will receive an invite to sign the document via the channel you have chosen. This can be via email, SMS, or WhatsApp. In this article we explain how an invitee can sign the document, when the invite has been send out via email.

Step 1. From invitation to the signing process: As a signatory you will receive a notification (an email in the example below) which will ask if you would like to go through this dossier and sign it digitally. By clicking on the “Sign document” link you start the digital signing process.


Step 2. Start signing

When you are in the signing environment, you see all fields needed to be signed via:

  • Grey “dots” are signs of actions needed to be done

  • At the bottom of the page you see the number of the remaining actions.


Click the field in which an action is required and add your signature via one of the options:

  • Pre-filled name

  • Upload an image of your signature

  • Draw your signature.


Do the same for all fields and actions. The document will automatically go to the right place to start the next signing action. When the action has been done, the dots and fields will change to green and the number of remaining actions will decrease:



Step 3. Sending the signed document

Has all requested information been filled in and / or signed? Then click “Sign document” to finish the signing process an send the signed document.

A pop-up will appear in which you have to agree with the terms and conditions to finish the signing process. Read the terms and conditions and if you agree, click the ‘Sign’ button.


Step 4. Dossier signed successfully


Once all signatories have signed, you will receive an e-mail with the signed file as an attachment so you can save and keep it.

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