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Nov 30, 2022
3 minutes read

How to create dossiers to be signed?




Once you have set up the whole signing environment, you can start creating dossiers and invite other to sign your documents. In this article you will read how you can create your dossiers.

Step 1. Open the Sign app from the App menu or click here.

Step 2. Click the “New Dossier” button in the upper right corner to create a new dossier.


Step 3. Upload a document (.PDF / .DOC(X) / .RTF) via ''Upload document'' or drag the document into the screen (a quotation, contract or any other document you want to have signed). Keep notice of a maximum size of 10Mb per document.


Step 4. Click on ''add'' to fill in the details of one or more persons who have to sign the document.

  • Do you want multiple people to sign? This can be done by adding more people

  • Do you want to add an order for people who should sign first? You can do this as soon as more people are added, at the heading position.

  • Do you want to add a person to have the contract reviewed? This is possible! Via ''Review only''.


Step 5. Determine the positions of the signature, initials, date or open text fields. Via the left side of the menu you choose which signatures you need for your document. Then drag the frame to the position within the document.

Are you planning on using a similar sized contract more often? Click on ''Save as template'', this means the next time the signatures, initials, date or open field boxes are automatically placed in the right place when choosing this template.

Is everything in the document in the right place? Then click on the button ''Create dossier''.


Step 6. In the next screen you can add a personal text per invitee, add a renewal alert and/ or archive the dossier.


Step 7. Click on "send" to send the documents. The file has been successfully sent to the signer(s). You can find the dossier under the heading Dossiers on the left under "Everything" or "Waiting". In addition to this dashboard to check the status, you will also receive an e-mail as soon as every signatory has signed. This way you know exactly what the status of a dossier is.

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