Knowledge Center next icon Which products does TraceDock offer
Nov 01, 2022
1 minute read

Which products does TraceDock offer


  • Mobile Marketing Cloud

    • TraceDock


TraceDock offers three products that you can apply:

First-party data collection

Via TraceDock's First-party data collection, you can collect privacy-friendly data from users and browsers with tracking prevention.


TraceDock: Cookieless data collection

Cookieless data collection

This product is primarily focused on the Danish and Belgian market. Collect privacy-friendly data, also when users reject the cookie consent.


TraceDock: Cookieless data collection

Server-side transaction tracking

Current Ecommerce transactions rely on client-side events on 'Thank you pages' which results in measurement differences in revenue. TraceDock's Server-side transactions are set up to reduce this measurement error.


TraceDock: Server-side transaction tracking

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