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Nov 11, 2022
2 minutes read

How to format text


You know which options you have to format text in the Mobile Service Cloud.

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How to format text

When writing a message to the customer, an colleague in the Mobile Service Cloud or someone external you have different options to format the text.


Bold SchermAafbeelding_2022-11-11_om_16.00.57.png
Makes the text bold.

Italic SchermAafbeelding_2022-11-11_om_16.03.22.png
Makes the text italic.

Underline SchermAafbeelding_2022-11-11_om_16.03.38.png
Underlines the text.

List SchermAafbeelding_2022-11-11_om_16.03.47.png
You can select multiple lines of text and select the list option to make each line a bullit-point. If don't have any text selected you start a new bullit-point list.

Hyperlink SchermAafbeelding_2022-11-11_om_16.04.03.png
You can select text to make it a hyperlink. You are able to choose to which URL you want to hyperlink and which text will be displayed.


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