Knowledge Center next icon How to use my inbox overview
Oct 27, 2022
2 minutes read

How to use my inbox overview


You know how my inbox overview works and how you can use it.

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How to use my inbox overview

Every Mobile Service Cloud user has a different my inbox overview since it's customised for you. My inbox overview helps you to get an overview of the current workload that belongs to you.


My inbox overview separates the conversations based on service level agreement (SLA) status and whether the conversation popped up again in your inbox after it was snoozed. Each SLA status (too late, danger, on time and open) has his own tile, just like follow-up. That way you can easily filter on specific conversations and access all conversations that came out of snooze and require a follow-up.

You can expand my inbox overview to drill down your conversations based on the webstores they are connected to. By clicking on one of the webstores you are able to filter to see the specific conversations of that webstore. You can even combine the tiles with the webstores so you can filter on all the too late conversations from a certain webstore.


Below you find a video on how to navigate your inbox in the Mobile Service Cloud.

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