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Sep 29, 2022
3 minutes read

How to set up email in Agent Inbox


There are three steps you need to take to make sure email will work correctly in Agent Inbox. Below the steps that need to be taken. Agent Inbox uses Sendgrid for sending email and Postmark for receiving email. To receive emails in Agent Inbox you need to forward your email addresses that you use for customer service to a specific Agent Inbox address.


  • Agent Inbox


Step 1. Receiving email

Make sure mail is forwarded to your Agent Inbox email address. This email address can be found in the email tab in the settings of your Agent Inbox subscription or use:

{your apikey}

When setting up the email forward, the original sender needs to be maintained.


Step 2. Adding SPF:

The first step is to add an SPF-record. This will allow us (Sendgrid) to send mail from your domain name. The SPF-record exists of a single entry in the DNS of the customer: The SPF-record that needs to be added:

Checking SPF

To assure this has been set up correctly, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to:
  • Enter "" in the text box (replace with the domain SPF is being checked for)
  • Hit enter
  • On the results page, check if "" is present and no errors are being displayed

Common mistakes in SPF:

One error we see often is "Too many lookups":


A lookup is when the SPF record refers to a different domain, meaning counts as 1. However if a domain used in the record in turn refers to other domains, these will be added to the total. For the given example mimecast adds 5 lookups, this can be checked by clicking the SPF entry:


The easiest solution to this error, would be to take the IP's from these lookups and have the customer enter these in their own SPF record as IP's instead of through the mimecast lookup. This phenomenon is known as 'SPF flattening'.

Step 3. Adding DKIM:

The second step is to add DKIM. For extra security on your traffic, we offer DKIM signing. To set up DKIM you need to add CNAME records per domain to your DNS settings. Send the Agent Inbox support team each domain you would like to use, our support team will create these CNAME records and send them back to you.

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