Knowledge Center next icon How to tag your conversations in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?
Dec 14, 2022
2 minutes read

How to tag your conversations in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?


  • Mobile Service Cloud


The questions you receive from your customers likely have something in common. For analysis and process optimization purposes, you can give a conversation one or multiple tags.

Tags are different per organization. Hence they can be set here, or you can create a tag which is missing in the tag pop-up. You can add a tag to a conversation once you are working on a chat to classify them, or later on when you archive a chat or when you are looking at the statistics. It is optional to add a tag. One conversation can have zero or more tags.


Some organizations do (not) want that their agents add more tags. If below button is Blue, agents can add tags while archiving the conversation. When it is grey they cannot.


Step 2: select one or more tags


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