Knowledge Center next icon How to have a conversation in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?
Dec 14, 2022
2 minutes read

How to have a conversation in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?


  • Mobile Service Cloud


Answer the chats, with text, images, documents and video's. Make your expressions more lively with the use of emoticons.

Via the lower area of the screen you can type and send your reply, to conversations you own. You can send your response either via clicking on the send icon, or by pressing “Enter”. Automatically the system will send this message back via the communication channel your customer has initiated the conversation in.

Do you want to upload images, documents or alike, click on the Paperclip.


To avoid you send incorrect information, there is a preview panel opening after you have selected a file. You can add up to 10 files at the same time.

Note that not all communication channels support receipt/submission of all file types. We will inform you upfront what will work, and what not. Avoiding you will send information no-one can receive/view. 


Also a sending a smile via submission of emoticons is simple, just click on the image, and all available emoji’s appear. Pick one, and send it or include it in a line of text.


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