Knowledge Center next icon How to make use of our features in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?
Dec 14, 2022
3 minutes read

How to make use of our features in Mobile Service Cloud Basic?


  • Mobile Service Cloud

StepsOnce you have assigned a conversation to take care of, you might need one or more of the following features to manage them:

Assign to

You might find yourself in need of the expertise of a colleague. Or you need to transfer a customer to the next shift. You can do this by reassigning a conversation. You can only assign a chat to one of your colleagues whom is also logged in. We do this to ensure that the customer can always receive a response.


The questions you receive from your customers likely have something in common, or can be grouped. For Analysis and process optimization purposes, you can give a conversation one or multiple tags.

You can add tags via the Settings. Tags are also visible in Analytics. Here, you can see how many chats you had related to a tag. In Search tags can also be used, so you can trace conversations with similar tags. Adding tags is optional, though might be made mandatory from a process perspective on your end.


To keep your inbox clean, and only have active Chats open you need to be able to close a Chat. This is a manual interpretation and currently has nothing to do with the previously mentioned 24 hour customer care window. You do this via Archiving. You can find this feature by clicking on this icon.



There may be a need to share what has been communicated to and by a customer via a chat. You can export a conversation to PDF or CSV, after which you can share it via email. You can find this feature by clicking on this icon. The notes are included in the export.


Notes/Files and more information

When you would like to add notes to a conversation this is possible. You can do this via the i symbol, and clicking on the Notes section in the appearing area. Notes will be available to this conversation, and also when you export the conversation, the notes are included in the export.


In the same area you can also find more information about the files/media items


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