Knowledge Center next icon Transactions
Feb 28, 2024
2 minutes read


How are my payment terminal transactions processed?

Your payment terminal sends the transaction to your acquirer/bank via the payment platform. They check with the cardholder's bank whether the transaction can take place. If this is approved, your transaction processor sends the approval (or disapproval) to the payment terminal and the transaction is executed.

Which acquirers can I choose from?

At we have our own transaction processor: CM payments. We can handle all your debitcard and creditcard transactions in house.

Our payment terminals are capable of transactions via other paymentprocessers aswell. Our terminals are also compatible with EMS, Equens (Rabobank en ING omnikassa), six and Paysquare.

Does charge transaction fees?

When your transaction processing is done via CM payments, you pay transaction costs to on the transactions made.

When your transactions are processed by another transaction processor, they will charge you the transaction fee.

How long does it take for the settlements of my transactions to be visible on my account?

This depends on your acquirer/bank. Debit card payments (Maestro / V-Pay) are usually visible within one day. There is usually a longer term for credit card payments (Mastercard / Visa / American Express). For more information, consult your transaction processor.

Can I change my acquirer/transaction processor?

Yes, this is possible. The administration costs for processing this change are € 35. If you want this, please send an email request to [email protected].

If you want to switch to CM payments acquiring, this will be processed free of charge.

Can I change my bankaccount?

Yes, this is possible. Please send an email request to [email protected] for further information.

The payment receipt says “Payment failed”, but it is visible on the customer's bank app that the money has been debited. What now?

The only decisive evidence for the success or failure of a transaction is the PIN receipt. A reservation that looks like a charge is made on the customer's account. If, after making the reservation, the transaction is refused or cancelled for some reason, this reservation will be reversed after a few days. The bank app of the costumer is therefore never proof of payment.

Some contactless transactions are rejected. What happened?

On the receipt you will see a error due to a failed transaction. This probably means that the limit of contactless payment for the card has been exceeded. The customers must enter their security code. After that payment, the card can make contactless payments again.

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