Knowledge Center next icon What is a ticket poule?
Dec 06, 2022
2 minutes read

What is a ticket poule?

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  • Ticketing


A ticket poule is a poule where different ticket types can be linked to.

For example, if you make a ticket poule for Saturday, which are divided in Saturday Ticket Early Bird, and Saturday Ticket Late Bird, you could make the choice to link them to one ticket poule (e.g. Saturday). If the division of the capacity isn’t that important and it doesn’t matter if there are more VIP tickets then regular sold, or vice versa, it is possible to create a poule.

When you want to create Weekend Tickets and link them to a poule, it is not possible to link them to for example the Friday poule AND the Saturday poule, you can link them only to one poule, e.g. Saturday poule and create a capacity based on this.

I want to create a ticket poule, how do I do that?

You first ask your Customer Success Manager to enable ticket poules for your event.

When this is activated you can see ''Pools'' next to your ticket types:


When you create a new ''ticket pool'' you can select the ticket types that you want to link to your newly created poule.



An overview is shown of your ticket poules and linked ticket types.


In the settings of your ticket types you can see from with ticket poule the ticket type is using capacity.


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