Knowledge Center next icon How can I add extra steps in the Ticketshop?
Dec 13, 2022
1 minute read

How can I add extra steps in the Ticketshop?


  • Ticketing


When entering the ticketing dashboard you go to the left menu and click on tickets. Before being able to add steps it is important that you already created tickets and extra products.

  1. Go to the plus icon in the right upper corner and click on “New Ticket Type”
  2. Add the needed Ticket Types and Products (both under “New Ticket Type”)
  3. Go to shop in the left menu

  4. Go to your event URL or create one by clicking on the plus icon the right upper corner
  5. Click on "Add step"
  6. Add the necessary steps (tickets, food & beverage, extra’s, merchandise etc.)
  7. Click on tickets or products you want to add in this step
  8. Click on save

Steps ticketing.png

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